Which oddd O name?

I’m really loving O names for girls right now, what do you think of my faves? Which ones are your favorites? Please feel free to leave more suggestions!

  • Ottoline
  • Odette
  • Ophelia
  • Ottilie
  • Odessa
  • I’ll leave another idea in the comments
0 voters

October nn Toby


I like that you suggested October nn Toby, that is my angel baby’s name and what started my search for more O names. I really like Olympia! Can’t believe I forgot that one lol


Suggestions for other O names:

Orla / Orlaith

I also really like Olympia and Octavia.

My favorites are Octavia, Olympia, and Olive.

Ottoline and Odette are my faves from that list!

I also really like the suggestions of Ondine, Olive and Orlaith.


I love Ottilie, Ophelia and Ottoline

Ocean, Opal and Oliviana came to mind

@katinka oh good, those are my favorites right now I really like Olivet although with Oliva being so popular I’m not sure I would use it

@Greyblue oh good more love for Ottoline :slight_smile: :blush: and I’m starting to warm up to Ottilie more, I know it has a long history in the UK but I was worried it would sound made up to US ears

I voted for Odette! It’s such a beautiful name! I love the ballet connection, and I just think it sounds very elegant!

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Odele and Odelet are some of my favorites! I also like Opal and Opaline


I just adore Odessa!

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I love Ophelia, and have always had a soft spot for Odette. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I also love Octavia and Olympia.

Odessa is a GP of mine (since my SO would never agree to it)! I also love Odette and am starting to have a crush on Opal.

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Odette is my favorite here, followed closely by Ophelia. I prefer Odilia to Ottoline/Ottilie, but of the options given Ottoline is quite nice!

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I had forgotten about Odilia! Thank you @brittanyanitarose I do really like that one too

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