Which one of my honor names do you like best?

so I’m still trying to decide on what honor name for my late best friend I like best. here are my options:

[name_f]Caitlyn[/name_f] (her name, I love it)

[name_f]Samantha[/name_f] (after [name_u]Sam[/name_u] [name_m]Winchester[/name_m], both of our favorite character on Supernatural)

[name_f]Cara[/name_f] (her cat’s name)

[name_f]Carmella[/name_f] (her mothers name, I adore her mothers name and if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have gotten to say good bye to Caitlyn)

[name_f]Maryjane[/name_f] (her dad was a narcotics cop and she used to tell me stories of being in the backseat when her dad was doing drug deals, in my area at least [name_f]Maryjane[/name_f] is used as a nickname for Marijuana, I think this is one is kind of funny)

[name_u]Cali[/name_u] (her dog’s name, she adored her dog)

[name_f]Betsy[/name_f] (we wrote a story about a character named [name_f]Betsy[/name_f] [name_m]Winchester[/name_m] together)

[name_f]Summer[/name_f] (she had a character named Summer)

[name_f]Katherine[/name_f] (a variation of her name that I also love)

which one would you use?

I like [name_f]Caitlyn[/name_f] or [name_f]Samantha[/name_f] best. [name_f]Caitlyn[/name_f] because it’s most obvious and [name_f]Samantha[/name_f] because it’s something you enjoyed together. [name_f]Betsy[/name_f] would be my 3rd choice because again it’s a link to something the two of you did together.

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By the way, the big white dog in my profile picture is named [name_u]Sammy[/name_u] after [name_u]Sam[/name_u] [name_m]Winchester[/name_m]. :wink:

thats awesome,

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I think some of the other names probably have more sentimental weight to them? But as someone named [name_u]Cali[/name_u] (with same spelling), I’ve always loved my name! People somehow read it as [name_f]Kayleigh[/name_f] a LOT, which has always baffled me because it is literally the abbreviation for [name_u]California[/name_u]. But I still love it.

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They’re all pretty sentimental, a few of them also have stories behind them that I’d rather keep to myself. and I’m glad you pronounce it [name_u]Cali[/name_u] like [name_u]California[/name_u], it baffles some of my friends how it said [name_u]Cali[/name_u] and not [name_f]Kayleigh[/name_f]

[name_f]Caitlyn[/name_f], hands down

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Ones that I like most:

[name_f]Caitlyn[/name_f] - a sweet and direct honour. I’d personally use it as a middle, but it would be lovely to have that obvious honour for her

[name_f]Samantha[/name_f] - I love that this is a story, something you could share with your child as she gets older. It’s meaningful and specific to yours and Caitlyn’s friendship

[name_f]Betsy[/name_f] - similar to above, I like how it’s something you could share with your child, and a special connection to you and [name_f]Caitlyn[/name_f]

[name_f]Katherine[/name_f] - sweet and lovely - a name that’s child’s own, but also an honour

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I’m bumping this because I’m having a bad grief day and am really sad.

here are some other names I’ve thought of:
[name_f]Carly[/name_f] (she wanted to name her daughter Carly)
[name_f]Elena[/name_f] (her favorite show was The Vampire Diaries)
[name_f]Deanna[/name_f] (we also loved [name_u]Dean[/name_u] Winchester)
[name_u]Misha[/name_u] (the name of one of the actors from Supernatural)
[name_f]Claire[/name_f] (we used [name_f]Claire[/name_f] [name_m]Holt[/name_m] as a face claim in our first story together)

[name_f]Caitlyn[/name_f] or [name_f]Katherine[/name_f]

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