See the results of this poll: Which One?
Respondents: 75 (This poll is closed)
- Aurelia : 37 (36%)
- Aurora : 34 (33%)
- Augusta : 15 (15%)
- Autumn: 17 (17%)
Respondents: 75 (This poll is closed)
The only one that doesn’t fit is [name]Autumn[/name].
1 [name]Aurelia[/name] (if you don’t choose [name]Cecilia[/name])
2 [name]Augusta[/name]
3 [name]Aurora[/name]
I like them all. I like [name]Aurelia[/name] best with your favorites, and it got my vote, but [name]Aurora[/name] is my very favorite.
Good luck!
I like [name]Aurelia[/name] the best, I also quite like [name]Augusta[/name] and [name]Aurora[/name].
They’re all wonderful! I went for [name]Augusta[/name], but I think [name]Aurelia[/name] is probably more suited to the names you mentioned.
You have great taste in names! I voted for [name]Aurelia[/name] and [name]Augusta[/name] because I think they fit in best with your faves. I don’t think [name]Autumn[/name] fits in very well at all, though lovely. I like [name]Aurora[/name] but not as much as the others with your other faves.
Oops, I can’t follow directions. I voted for [name]Autumn[/name] because I like it the best, but I think [name]Aurelia[/name] goes best with the list.
[name]Aurelia[/name] on all counts. I think it’s the nicest name and fits with the others
I voted for [name]Aurora[/name], it’s my favourite, but I think [name]Aurelia[/name] and [name]Augusta[/name] fits in with your other girls names as well.
I think [name]Augusta[/name] fits best with your sibset (it’s old-fashioned, but not [name]Roman[/name] times), but it sounds kind of clunky to me (I don’t know why - since I’m a fan of names like [name]Mildred[/name]). It’s probably because of the annoying [name]Jane[/name] [name]Austen[/name] character with that name.
I don’t really know what to vote…so I won’t. But those are my thoughts.
I voted for [name]Aurelia[/name] for its beautiful, elegant sound and also how rare it is.
[name]Aurora[/name] is my favourite, I find [name]Aurelia[/name] awkward say and [name]Augusta[/name] seems a bit too clunky to me!
[name]Autumn[/name] does not seem to fit with either your favorites or with the other names in the poll.
I am not at all a fan of celestial names, so [name]Aurora[/name] is out. Also, it will always be too Disney [name]Princess[/name] for my liking.
When I read [name]Aurelia[/name] it reminds me of a sensitive human body part…
That leaves [name]Augusta[/name], a clunky name that wins by default.