Which R name

[name_u]Rex[/name_u] or [name_m]Rollo[/name_m]?

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[name_u]Rex[/name_u]! I do really like [name_m]Rollo[/name_m] as well but [name_u]Rex[/name_u] is so perfectly strong, compact and dashing.

[name_m]Rollo[/name_m] has the potential to feel a bit wobbly around the edges to me, but I do love its rarity, eccentricity and wild meaning which feels charmingly at odds with its jaunty, jolly sound :wolf:

I love Rex!!

Rex is so cool!

I prefer [name_u]Rex[/name_u]! It’s cool and sharp.

[name_m]Rollo[/name_m] reminds me of the [name_m]Rolo[/name_m] chocolate candies and roly poly bugs, neither of which are bad associations but they do make me more hesitant about the name.

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[name_u]Rex[/name_u] :grinning:

rex is my preference!

rollo looks cool but i don’t love the sound, and as @EagleEyes said i just think of the chocolates.

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[name_m]Rollo[/name_m] definitely made me think of the chocolates which isn’t necessarily a bad association but it’s just kind of weird to be named after. That aside I still don’t think I like the sound of it very much. I like [name_u]Rex[/name_u] because it’s got the cool “x-factor” and it’s unique but isn’t unheard of or too out there.

I really like [name_m]Rollo[/name_m]! But I gotta say I prefer [name_u]Rex[/name_u] more! It’s such a sharp and simple name, I think it could be very useable with a bunch of other names. :blush:

[name_u]Rex[/name_u] !


[name_u]Rex[/name_u]. It’s the perfect mix of strong, spunky and quirky!

[name_u]Rex[/name_u] is so unexpected and cool! [name_u]Love[/name_u] it.

[name_u]Rex[/name_u]. I love how concise it is, but it also has a punch to it that I don’t get from [name_m]Rollo[/name_m]. The energy of the name is great.

Maybe I’m the odd one out, but I prefer [name_m]Rollo[/name_m]! I’m not a huge fan of [name_u]Rex[/name_u] (the sound or the meaning), and [name_m]Rollo[/name_m] feels like a really quirky and underused name. I haven’t heard it on anyone other than [name_m]Rollo[/name_m] the viking!

I like [name_u]Rex[/name_u] and I do 100% associate [name_m]Rollo[/name_m] with the chocolate


[name_u]Rex[/name_u] is strong and packs a punch [name_m]Rollo[/name_m] isn’t my style

rollo is charming!


[name_m]Rollo[/name_m] is also very cool and spunky, but it’s too tied to the dog character in the Outlander series to be human-usable for me :laughing:

Thanks for the feedback y’all!