Which Rose Name? Help!

[name]Rosalinde[/name]. Or just [name]Rose[/name]/[name]Rosa[/name] is simple and pretty.

My favourite [name]Rose[/name] name has been [name]Rosamund[/name] for as long as I can remember, but I actually think that’s fading…
I now love [name]Primrose[/name], but I see your issue with that…
I don’t think Roswitha has been mentioned, it might be too odd to go with [name]Catherine[/name] though…
[name]Rosalba[/name] and [name]Rosetta[/name] are also lovely, and I love the [name]Rosaelia[/name] suggestion!
[name]Rosalind[/name] is also fabulous!

Yeah, I do like [name]Rose[/name]-but we need a bit more–there are a lot of Wades around here-so, it’d almost be like [name]John[/name] [name]Smith[/name].
So, I agree with you.

I thought about just using [name]Rose[/name] a lot but I don’t think it’s a good idea b/c-

  1. We have a very common last name. And [name]Rose[/name] is getting more and more popular. [name]Rose[/name] [name]Wade[/name] could end up being [name]John[/name] [name]Smith[/name]-KWIM?

  2. I want to give her options in case she doesn’t like “[name]Rosey[/name]” or even
    [name]Rose[/name]. My full name is [name]Christina[/name] but my mom wanted me to go by [name]Chrissy[/name]-and so I did-b/c no one would call me by what I wanted to be called-[name]Christina[/name]. I literally asked my first grade teacher to call me [name]Christina[/name]-but of course that didn’t work. The day after high school I moved away-went to college and and since then am only known by [name]Christina[/name]. I just wasn’t a [name]Chrissy[/name]-I am not a Southern [name]Bell[/name]. And I went to law school in NYC-and thank goodness I had switched my name. [name]Chrissy[/name] just wasn’t me. And what if [name]Rosey[/name] isn’t her?

  3. Plus, I just like [name]Rosa[/name] with something else.

Ok, fell in love with the name “bellarosa” last night-and promptly out of love this morning.
I do love it–[name]LOVE[/name] IT- but I think it’s a bit fu-fu for us-and with her sister’s name “[name]Catherine[/name].” I also googled it-and it’s no one’s name-it’s a bunch of bakeries and partry shops and kid’s photography places…So, it’s out.

[name]Rosalie[/name] is in Twilight but she is not the heroine. She is said to be very beautiful but is vain and cold. But she has a reason for being this way. [name]Rose[/name] is lovely and my favorite rose name is [name]Primrose[/name].

I like plain [name]Rose[/name]. simple, classic, too often used as a middle name imo.

my friends name is [name]Christina[/name] and she is naming her daughter [name]Clementina[/name] to keep the “tina” - so maybe…

[name]Rose[/name] [name]Clementina[/name]?

call her rosie. :slight_smile:

[name]Rosemary[/name] nn [name]Rose[/name] or [name]Rosie[/name] - love it!