Which sounds best with my last name

See the results of this poll: Which combo flows the best?

Respondents: 86 (This poll is closed)

  • Eleanor Tys0n : 48 (56%)
  • Ellen Tys0n : 4 (5%)
  • Helen Tys0n : 4 (5%)
  • Helena Tys0n: 30 (35%)

I like [name]Eleanor[/name], but [name]Helena[/name] [name]Tyson[/name] got my vote! I love it. So pretty! I didn’t like [name]Helen[/name] or [name]Ellen[/name] because [name]Tyson[/name] ended in -n, and it sounded a little weird.

That’s what I was thinking but I wasn’t sure.

I voted for [name]Helena[/name], but I think that both [name]Helena[/name] [name]Tyson[/name] and [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Tyson[/name] sound good. Good luck in making a decision.

I meant to allow for multiple votes but forgot and I don’t know how to edit a poll or if that is even possible.

I’m not expecting yet, just working on my list. DH doesn’t even like Eleanor so I’d need time to work on him. Nell is his favorite girl’s name so he’d probably just name her Nell but since we already have a daughter named Katharine I’m not sure Nell quite has the weight behind it to match her sister.

I accidentally voted for [name]Helen[/name], but I meant to click [name]Helena[/name].

Def want a FN with differing syllables/stresses if you can. Also as someone with first/last names with the same syllables/stresses ([name]Kris[/name].ten [name]Hat[/name].ten), you should avoid this.

[name]Eleanor[/name] and [name]Helena[/name] will both work but [name]Helena[/name] is gorgeous.

I accidentally voted for [name]Helen[/name], but I meant to click [name]Helena[/name].

Def want a FN with differing syllables/stresses if you can. Also as someone with first/last names with the same syllables/stresses and ending sounds ([name]Kris[/name].ten [name]Hat[/name].ten), you should avoid this. Wouldn’t do [name]Ellen[/name] or [name]Helen[/name].

[name]Eleanor[/name] and [name]Helena[/name] will both work but [name]Helena[/name] is gorgeous.

Definitely [name]Eleanor[/name] or [name]Helena[/name]. I voted for [name]Helena[/name].

Definitely [name]Helen[/name] or [name]Helena[/name] [name]IMO[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Helena[/name] Tys0n.

[name]Helena[/name], followed by [name]Eleanor[/name]!

[name]Eleanor[/name] goes best. I like the flow with your last name. [name]Nell[/name] is a lovely nn for [name]Eleanor[/name]. :stuck_out_tongue:

[name]Helena[/name] for me. I love the way the -a ending lilts into [name]Tyson[/name]. And its classic, saintly feel matches your other children so well.

[name]Helena[/name] and [name]Eleanor[/name] get my vote :slight_smile:

I voted for [name]Eleanor[/name] because it sounds the best to me and is the best way to get to [name]Nell[/name]. [name]Helena[/name] would be my second choice. I really wouldn’t do [name]Ellen[/name] or [name]Helen[/name] because of the flow with the last name [name]Tyson[/name].

1 [name]Eleanor[/name] - love this name with your children’s, especially with a fellow queen [name]Katherine[/name]
2 [name]Helena[/name] - lovely classic gem
3 [name]Helen[/name] - a little too matchy in ending with [name]Katherine[/name]
4 [name]Ellen[/name] - not a fan

[name]Eleanor[/name] and [name]Helena[/name] are my favorites. I voted for [name]Eleanor[/name] because then you can have [name]Nell[/name] as well as [name]Elle[/name], [name]Ellie[/name], [name]Nora[/name], [name]Lenor[/name], etc.

I voted for [name]Eleanor[/name]. I also like [name]Helena[/name] but I think it is easier to get [name]Nell[/name] from [name]Eleanor[/name].

[name]Eleanor[/name] sounds great

[name]Helena[/name] is my favourite of the first names, but based on flow I chose [name]Eleanor[/name] which I also love, just not as much. If I could have voted for both I would.