Which sounds best with my last name

I like [name]Helena[/name] and [name]Eleanor[/name] just about equally. I think [name]Helena[/name] Tys0n sounds very fluid and sweet! [name]Eleanor[/name] Tys0n is so classic and beautiful, too, though.

This was a great thread. Thanks so much to everyone. I’ll have to say taste wise I prefer [name]Helen[/name] and I find [name]Ellen[/name] the most natural route to [name]Nell[/name] for me, but as the poll confirmed neither sound that great with my last name. I think I prefer [name]Eleanor[/name] over [name]Helena[/name] and I know dh prefers [name]Helena[/name] over [name]Eleanor[/name], but at least I have it down to these two for my route to [name]Nell[/name].

I love the saint connection here as I love with all your names :). [name]Helena[/name] got got my vote by just by a hair. I love [name]Eleanor[/name] as well.