Which spelling?

See the results of this poll: Which spelling is best?

Respondents: 37 (This poll is closed)

  • Sailor : 14 (38%)
  • Saylor : 8 (22%)
  • Saylar : 0 (0%)
  • Sayla : 3 (8%)
  • Saela : 9 (24%)
  • Something else? (please leave in comments): 3 (8%)

[name_f]Selah[/name_f] was the name of a girl on a show called something like Child Genius- and it was pronounced [name_m]SAY[/name_m]-lah. I thought it was gorgeous.

I would spell it that way(as [name_f]Selah[/name_f]) if I were to use it and you could use [name_u]Sailor[/name_u] as a nickname- that would be the best of both name worlds- pretty and cute.

[name_u]Saylor[/name_u] is my favourite but I think it’d cause confusion for anyone who does pronounce the R ending prominently. I’d go for Saela as your best bet.

Hmmm…I’m in the Southern US and I would never leave the ‘r’ sound off the end of the first options 3 listed. I’d pronounce all 3 of those like ‘say-lur’

Like someone else mentioned, [name_f]Selah[/name_f] is becoming more popular and I believe ‘sae-luh’ is a common pronunciation for it. However, I think it has a few other pronunciations too. Not sure if that would bother you.

The most straightforward one to me would be Sayla. Rhymes with [name_f]Kayla[/name_f]. But Sayla does feel like a modern, invented name (if that is a problem).

Good luck!

I think Saela is your best choise. I pr the first three with an r in the end.

I do like [name_u]Sailor[/name_u] best, but I agree with @lawsonhaley. Anyone who does pronounce their r’s would pronounce your daughter’s name wrong. So I would say [name_f]Selah[/name_f] is the best spelling, the one most commonly used and least likely to cause confusion.

Thanks for the help everyone! Yeah us Aussies aren’t as great as Americans as fully pronouncing words ([name_m]Hence[/name_m] why you’ll find many Australian Taylors spelt like [name_f]Tayla[/name_f] or Taylah) I’m not expecting a baby or anything i was just expanding my signature a little. But I love hearing the opinions of others around the world. I think for now I might stick with [name_u]Sailor[/name_u] but [name_f]Selah[/name_f] is absolutely beautiful.

Saela is the only spelling that would get your preferred prn from me.

I have to agree with others…I’d pronounce the R at the end of the first few options. Saela or [name_f]Selah[/name_f] would get the pronunciation you are looking for.

I would use Sayla or [name_f]Selah[/name_f]. I also wouldn’t pronounce [name_u]Sailor[/name_u], [name_u]Saylor[/name_u], etc as “say-lah.”