So my hubby and I really love the name pronounced [name_u]Win[/name_u]-ree but we can’t decide on a spelling!
Winrey-Our favorite spelling, but my big bro said it looks like [name_u]Win[/name_u]-ray to him…
Winrie-I think this one looks a little too girly, but we still like it
Winry-The way it was originally spelled
Please give me input! I can’t figure out if our favorite spelling would be mistaken for [name_u]Win[/name_u]-ray instead of [name_u]Win[/name_u]-ree.
I’m in the minority here, but I’d go with Winrie. To me it looks more similar to [name_f]Winnie[/name_f] and seems more like a name and less like a misspelling of the word winery. I agree with the pp that I much prefer it as a nn for [name_f]Winifred[/name_f].
Winrie is really cute, plus it looks similar to [name_f]Winnie[/name_f], which makes it less unusual I guess. Winry is cute too, and I can see how Winrey could get mispronounced. Winry & [name_m]Lincoln[/name_m] is an adorable pair; they look the best together.