Which two sound best together?

Most of you who have seen my previous posts are probably thinking “Not her again!” as I have posted eight or so times in the past 48 hours… But this is the last time I post about these same names, I promise! Lol!

I made a poll last night about names for my twins (if they are both girls) and after seeing the responses and talking with my husband we narrowed it down a little bit more! We have the names we both love, we just can’t decide which two to use! Here’s what we have! Which two sound the best together and with our other three kids [name]Beckham[/name], [name]Blythe[/name], and [name]Poet[/name]?


Thank you so much for all of your help! x

I really like [name]Fable[/name] & [name]Briar[/name] and [name]Fallon[/name] & [name]Sutton[/name]!

While [name]Mila[/name] is my favourite from your list, I think [name]Fallon[/name] and [name]Sutton[/name] would be better choices with [name]Beckham[/name], [name]Blythe[/name] and [name]Poet[/name].

Why I didn’t choose [name]Briar[/name] - [name]Beckham[/name], [name]Blythe[/name] and [name]Briar[/name] are too many b’s.
Why I didn’t choose [name]Fable[/name] - Having a [name]Poet[/name] and a [name]Fable[/name] in the same family is a bit much for me.
Why I didn’t choose [name]Mila[/name] - It’s feminine and has an exotic European flair so it’s very different in style to your children’s names. If that doesn’t bother you, then I would encourage you to choose it ([name]Mila[/name] and [name]Fallon[/name]).

What [name]Mischa[/name] said : D.

[name]Beckham[/name], [name]Blythe[/name], [name]Poet[/name], [name]Fallon[/name] & [name]Briar[/name] would get my vote, but [name]Sutton[/name] is a massive GP for me on a little girl.

I love all these except [name]Sutton[/name]. I think [name]Fallon[/name] and [name]Fable[/name] would be great together, not too matchy matchy. But I can see any of them working as a combo… [name]Briar[/name]/[name]Fable[/name], [name]Mila[/name]/[name]Briar[/name], [name]Sutton[/name]/[name]Fallon[/name].

I would save [name]Sutton[/name] for the boys. It’s a great name and works well with your family, but it just really doesn’t read feminine.

I agree with everything [name]Mischa[/name] said. [name]Fable[/name] & [name]Poet[/name] are too much in a family with other children named [name]Beckham[/name] and [name]Blythe[/name].

I think [name]Mila[/name] works well with the feminine [name]Blythe[/name], but it’s a short 2-syllable name like [name]Poet[/name]. [name]Fallon[/name] brings the surname vibe of [name]Beckham[/name] and is somewhat unisex like [name]Poet[/name], but (just like [name]Poet[/name]) it skews feminine. I really think they fit well in the context of your family, and they’re pretty names to boot.

[name]Briar[/name] would have to be compounded with [name]Rose[/name] to make the fairy-tale association of [name]Briar[/name] much more prominent than the thorny weed image.

I really love [name]Mila[/name]! However, I don’t care for any of your other names. They seem so masculine next to the exotic and feminine [name]Mila[/name].

[name]Fallon[/name] and [name]Briar[/name] are my two favourites from your list, even though you have a lot of B’s, I still love them with your other children’s names. To me, they are both neutral but feminine enough to be discernibly female and they share the same feel as your other children. [name]Mila[/name] just doesn’t fit for me, even though it’s a lovely name, for me it’s overly feminine sounding compared to [name]Blythe[/name] and [name]Poet[/name]. I think [name]Sutton[/name] is too masculine sounding, it sounds like a clothing line to me, like Prada or Burberry. [name]Briar[/name] to me is lovely and I do get the fairy tale association without the use of [name]Rose[/name] as a middle. I also think [name]Briar[/name] and [name]Fallon[/name] are well suited to one another but could just as easily stand alone.

My vote is 100% [name]Fallon[/name] and [name]Briar[/name].

My vote is for [name]Fallon[/name]. [name]Briar[/name] is too [name]Briar[/name] [name]Rose[/name] for me. [name]Sutton[/name] is too masculine. I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Mila[/name], but it doesn’t have the same style as your other children. A [name]Poet[/name] and a [name]Fable[/name] in the same family is way too English class. [name]Fallon[/name], nn [name]Allie[/name] is what I would do, although not sure if you use nn with the other kids. I actually taught a [name]Fallon[/name], female, and she was a wonderful student.

I would go with [name]Fallon[/name] and [name]Mila[/name]. Best combined with your sibset.

I like all your names except [name]Fable[/name], which to me, doesn’t sound very name-like.
The problem with [name]Sutton[/name] and [name]Fallon[/name] is that they both end in on, have six letters, and the same structure, but I think they are very nice together anyway. I also like [name]Briar[/name] and [name]Mila[/name] together. I think choosing one of the first two with one of the second might be hard because the first two have a very different feel than [name]Mila[/name] and [name]Briar[/name]

[name]Mila[/name] & [name]Briar[/name]. I love [name]Fable[/name] too, but for a boy.

I vote for [name]Fallon[/name] and [name]Mila[/name]. I also like [name]Briar[/name]. [name]Fable[/name] is too whimsical for me and [name]Sutton[/name] is way to much of a last name for my taste. I find [name]Sutton[/name] to be incredibly masculine as well.

[name]Fallon[/name] and [name]Sutton[/name] get my vote.

[name]Briar[/name] and [name]Mila[/name] would be my top two and I think they sound great together, but I do have a huge crush on [name]Sutton[/name] for a girl so I think [name]Sutton[/name] and [name]Mila[/name] could also work well together :slight_smile:

My fave combinations are [name]Fallon[/name] and [name]Fable[/name] - because I like the idea of twin names starting with the same letter, and because if the siblings names are listed in age order then I think its nice to start with two Bs, have P in the middle and finish with two Fs :slight_smile:

I also love the combination of [name]Briar[/name] and [name]Fable[/name] - because of the link of [name]Briar[/name] [name]Rose[/name] and the meaning of [name]Fable[/name], I think thats so poetic. BUT I’m not sure if its too many B names which make [name]Poet[/name] and [name]Fable[/name] seem the odd ones out?
