Which Would You Pick?

I recently posted about considering either [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Austen[/name] or [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Roxanne[/name], and ruled out [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Roxanne[/name] for various reasons, but I love [name]Roxanne[/name] as a first and love it even more in the form [name]Roxana[/name]. I really also like [name]Roxane[/name], spelled with one N as the character in [name]Cyrano[/name] de Bergerac. Roxanna is another choice.

So basically my four choices are:

Which do you like best? Any comments are appreciated! Thanks in advance!

[name]Roxana[/name] is prettiest I think (she was the wife of [name]Alexander[/name] the Great!). It’s on my list, so I’m biased… [name]Roxanne[/name] makes me think of the song by The Police.

[name]Roxanna[/name] is on my list too. I like [name]Roxane[/name] too. It looks like an entirely different name from [name]Roxanne[/name]. I might be afraid of pronunciation issues. [name]Roxane[/name] could look like Rox-ayne.

I too prefer [name]Roxana[/name], which is an ancient name (stolen from [name]Persia[/name] via Rukhsana) and avoids any red-light implications. It’s a strong name with a very vibrant nickname in [name]Roxie[/name].

[name]Roxana[/name] would be my first choice.

The beauty about [name]Roxan/namea is that it’s a lot like [name]Sophia[/name], nickname wise. If your child doesn’t like [name]Roxana[/name], she could go by [name]Roxan/namee, which is sort of like [name]Sophie[/name]. I prefer the one N for [name]Roxane[/name]/[name]Roxana[/name], so I think you should do that. [name]Just[/name] keep in mind that [name]Roxane[/name] could be nn as well!
Congrats and good luck choosing a name!

I agree with pp that [name]Roxana[/name] would be the best choice so that she would have the option to go by nn [name]Roxane[/name]! I prefer both of them with just one N. =]

Thank you for all the advice! I have decided I like [name]Roxana[/name] best. :slight_smile: Thank you so much for the help! Now, onto the middle name search…