*note: this is a personal / research question and is in no way shape or form trying to criticize anyone or their children’s names. Please name your children something you love, out of love .
Hello all! I have recently been falling in love with [name_u]Bear[/name_u] again, probably as a middle name. However, my partner and I have decided to give our children names that their ancestors would have ties to (or international names).
[name_m]Long[/name_m] story short (and not to influence your answers too much ) I’m having trouble finding any exact answer of when and where [name_u]Bear[/name_u] has been used as a first name throughout history. if anyone could answer any insight, or has any other information on other animals names that has been historically used and who you think has the most “ties” to the names specifically that would be wonderful!!!
What are the origins of the name [name_u]Bear[/name_u]? Have humans always used these monikers, or have we be influenced in the modern day? What specific animals names have been used by specific indigenous tribes or groups of people? Was your great-great-great-grandfather named [name_u]Bear[/name_u]?
Id love to know!!