Who Can You Trust? (NB Game)

A game where people can be trusted or not! Based from many games, puzzles, and dilemmas and put together like a game show. It’s possible multiple contestants win, one contestant wins, or none win, you’ll see! 1,000,000 [name_u]Berry[/name_u] Bucks (the universal currency for this crazy game) are up for grabs but first it’s time to make the contestants! Ages, hometowns. occupations, etc. are up to you.

Host: Give whatever name you want but make at least one part of the name whimsical in game-show style and another part very normal.

Contestant 1: First or middle name must be the name of a hero (or that hero’s real named alter ego if the hero doesn’t go by their real name).

Contestant 2: First or middle name must be the name of a villain (or that villain’s real named alter ego if the villain doesn’t go by their real name).

Contestant 3: No part of the name can contain the letter A.

Contestant 4: No part of the name can contain the letter E.

Contestant 5: No part of the name can contain the letter I.

Contestant 6: No part of the name can contain the letter O.

Contestant 7: No part of the name can contain the letter U.

Contestant 8: Lesser common spellings of names popular on Nameberry.

Contestant 9: Double-barrel first name but everything else is your choice.

Contestant 10: Double-barrel middle name but everything else is your choice.

Contestant 11: Hyphenated last name but everything else is your choice.

Contestant 12: Popular in a country you haven’t visited, but would most like to visit.

Contestant 13: Must include names of TV characters that stand out to you, but not so much that they feel too exclusive to the character.

Contestant 14: Invented names; can be invented in fiction, invented in pop culture, invented on Nameberry, or just simply names you know are made up.

Contestant 15: Names that aren’t insanely unusual, but you still feel you’d never use.

Contestant 16: Whatever you want!

CHALLENGE 1: This one doesn’t eliminate anyone per sé, it’s just a question asking why each contestant needs the 1,000,000 [name_u]Berry[/name_u] Bucks. Each contestant will answer but it doesn’t mean the answer is honest. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] D20 for how they answer, then roll again for whether they’re being truthful or secretly lying! If you get even, they told the truth but if you get odd, they’re lying for their devious reasons hehehe.

  1. States they need the money to pay off a long-standing debt.
  2. States they need the money to avoid getting in debt.
  3. States they need the money to remodel their home, which is in dire need of upgrading.
  4. States they need the money to help pay for medical bills for a loved one.
  5. States they need the money to help pay for medical bills for their pet.
  6. States they need the money to fund their higher education needs.
  7. States they need the money to go on a vacation, but that they haven’t been on a nice vacation in years.
  8. States they need the money to start up a small local business to help people.
  9. States they need the money to fund for their older relatives to have a good place to live.
  10. States they need the money to fund for their younger relatives to follow their dreams.
  11. States they need the money to rebuild their lives after losing much of it in a robbery.
  12. States they need the money to get the new car they’ve been wanting after damage on their old one.
  13. States they need the money to help with an organisation.
  14. States they need the money to build their family, whether by pregnancy or adoption.
  15. States they need the money to pay for a dream wedding.
  16. States they need the money to get out of the poverty line.
  17. States they need the money to save a local hotspot from closing.
  18. States they need the money to provide better resources at their workplace.
  19. States they need the money to help local kids’ sports teams.
  20. States they need the money to fund for a creative interest they’ve dreamed of pursuing.

CHALLENGE 2: [name_m]Roll[/name_m] this Dice for the contestant the group found the least trustworthy. That player will be eliminated. However, as a token of revenge, the host announces the eliminated player gets to choose someone to eliminate with them. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] the dice again for who gets eliminated with them (roll again if you get the same number twice).

CHALLENGE 3: The Host divides the remaining players in 7 face-offs. Go to this Team Generator, add the 14 remaining people into the generator, and set the number of Groups to 7. Whichever name is listed first is the Taker and takes a slip of paper that reads “Innocent” or “Guilty” and doesn’t show the other person. The other person is the Guesser. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] D4 for how many are Guilty and pick who is Guilty for this challenge. Naturally, the Takers will try to convince the Guessers they’re [name_m]Innocent[/name_m]. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a dice and if it’s odd, the Guesser believes the Taker is Guilty but if it’s even, the Guesser believes the Taker is [name_m]Innocent[/name_m]. If the Guesser is incorrect, then they are eliminated from the game. If the Taker is correctly guessed as Guilty, then they are eliminated from the game. All others not eliminated (including Guessers correctly guessing an [name_m]Innocent[/name_m] Taker) will move on to the next challenge.

CHALLENGE 4: This challenge is a lot more chill, in fact the players won’t know it’s a challenge! Host will kick back and allow contestants to talk. They have a little small talk about themselves and the game to get to know one another more. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] D12 for four little events in this challenge. The 16-sided dice will return, but reroll if you get the number of an eliminated contestant.

Small Talk Events
  1. (D16) rambles a lot about their life while (D16) rarely speaks, making both look suspicious for different reasons.
  2. (D16) cries after discussing a life story. Many of the contestants feel bad but (D16) secretly thinks the crying was faked.
  3. (D16) talks too much about the game show and not enough about life outside it, seeing overly strategic.
  4. (D16) is very calm and comfortable, enjoying talking about life.
  5. (D16) and (D16) glare at each other a lot, especially while the other one is talking, and both want the other one to leave the game.
  6. (D16) goes on a glorious speech about how it’s for the experience and not just the money, and talks a lot about life experiences.
  7. (D16) admits to not being the most moral person in the game but insists admitting is the point of honesty and that they deserve to be trusted regardless.
  8. (D16) won’t stop interrupting (D16) while the latter is speaking. The latter wants the former to go but the former insists on interrupting because the story was a lie anyway.
  9. (D16) tells a thoughtful story but ends it stating exactly who they do and don’t trust.
  10. (D16) backs up their previous reasoning on why they want the money and gives a more detailed explanation for it.
  11. (D16) accuses (D16) of contradicting themselves.
  12. (D16) talks a lot about being lonely in life but thanks (D16) for feeling like a good person they’d want to befriend after the show.

What they don’t know is that they’ve been secretly tracked during the telling of their stories as to how many times they lied. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] D20 for how many lies they told during the small talk challenge, and the player with the most amount of lies are out. If there’s a tie, all tied for the most are out.

CHALLENGE 5: The host will talk to the eliminated players for this one. All eliminated players have a little game show fun of their own and Spin the Wheel! [name_m]Add[/name_m] remaining players on the Wheel and every time it lands on a player, that person is eliminated. [name_f]Do[/name_f] this until there are 4 people left. If there are 4 or fewer players remaining at this Challenge, the person whose first name is alphabetically first gets a free +2 points! Those will be used for the next challenge.

CHALLENGE 6: Now it’s the Host’s Turn to judge! The host decides whether each remaining contestant’s story about why they wanted to win money is true or false. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] D10 for each contestant, this will determine the rating between 1 to 10 on how honest the host thinks the reasoning is. 10 is most honest while 1 is most dishonest. If the +2 points twist was ever implemented, add that to the person’s score. The two (or one if three people are left in your game) with the lowest scores are eliminated. [name_m]Add[/name_m] 20,000 [name_u]Berry[/name_u] Bucks to the pot if the host eliminated someone who lied about their reasoning at the beginning. Subtract 20,000 [name_u]Berry[/name_u] Bucks to the pot if the host eliminated someone who told the truth about their reasoning at the beginning. (If both eliminated this challenge were honest, remove 40,000 and if both were liars, add 40,000.) In the case that the host eliminated one honest person and one liar, leave it as is.

CHALLENGE 7: It’s the Final Two! The two players are so close now to winning the money. However, the host announces it’s a Split or Steal. In this dilemma, both contestants will decide secretly whether they want to split the [name_u]Berry[/name_u] Bucks half-and-half or whether to be risky and have all the money for themselves. If both contestants choose Split, they each walk away with half of the loot. If one chooses Split and the other chooses Steal, the Stealer wins all the money while the Splitter wins nothing. But if both choose Steal, they both win nothing in the end and everyone loses. [name_m]Just[/name_m] for a little thrill, roll a D8 twice for what thoughts these players have before making their decisions.

  1. (Player) wants to Split but is sensing (Opponent) only wants to steal no matter what, so (Player) is pondering whether to block that by choosing Steal.
  2. (Player) is really tempted to Steal, having eyes on the prize but is nervous about revealing that to (Opponent).
  3. (Player) thinks (Opponent) is generous enough to choose Split and would be shocked if (Opponent) actually chose Steal.
  4. (Player) is really going back and forth on a decision and still has no idea what (Opponent) would do.
  5. (Player) ignores (Opponent) and bases the decision on their own thoughts.
  6. (Player) is thinking about stealing, not because of greed for the money or to block (Opponent) from stealing; but rather because they think (Opponent) doesn’t deserve to win.
  7. (Player) has a gut instinct on what to pick, but is having second thoughts.
  8. (Player) stares a lot at (Opponent), barely breaking eye contact.

Now it’s time for their final decisions! Both players have wrote down “Split” or “Steal” on a paper and given them to the Host. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] the dice again, even means the contestant chose Split and odd means they chose Steal. [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to write any reactions if you want, alongside what happened with the money (whether anyone won it).


Who [name_m]Can[/name_m] You [name_u]Trust[/name_u]?

Who is lying? Who is telling the truth? Whose cunning strategy, wordplay, and communication will get them to the grand prize of $100,000? It’s time to find out, as we play Who [name_m]Can[/name_m] You [name_u]Trust[/name_u]?

Host: [name_u]Florian[/name_u] [name_u]James[/name_u] [name_m]Benton[/name_m]


1: [name_m]Clark[/name_m] [name_u]William[/name_u] [name_m]Phillips[/name_m]
2: [name_m]Heath[/name_m] [name_u]Jackson[/name_u] Vazquez
3: [name_f]Liz[/name_f] [name_f]Trinity[/name_f] [name_u]Bowen[/name_u]
4: [name_f]Samantha[/name_f] [name_f]Abigail[/name_f] [name_m]Patton[/name_m]
5: [name_u]Joseph[/name_u] [name_m]Zachary[/name_m] [name_m]Gordon[/name_m]
6: [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] [name_f]Amanda[/name_f] [name_m]Frank[/name_m]
7: [name_u]Maria[/name_u] [name_f]Ricarda[/name_f] [name_m]Lorenzo[/name_m]
8: [name_m]Feliks[/name_m] [name_m]Lio[/name_m] [name_m]Sparks[/name_m]
9: John-David [name_m]Carlo[/name_m] [name_m]Delgado[/name_m]
10: [name_f]Savannah[/name_f] Mary-May [name_m]Russell[/name_m]
11: [name_u]Halle[/name_u] [name_f]Hope[/name_f] Henry-Peterson
12: [name_m]Einar[/name_m] [name_m]Aron[/name_m] Albertsson
13: [name_f]Portia[/name_f] [name_f]Janine[/name_f] [name_u]Rosario[/name_u]
14: [name_u]Bryden[/name_u] [name_u]Jax[/name_u] [name_u]Leon[/name_u]
15: [name_f]Serenity[/name_f] [name_f]Irene[/name_f] Schneider
16: [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] [name_m]Alexander[/name_m] Cowan

Challenge 1: Why do they need the money?

  1. [name_m]Clark[/name_m] [name_u]William[/name_u] [name_m]Phillips[/name_m]

[name_m]Clark[/name_m] states that he needs the money to help pay for a loved one’s medical bills

  1. [name_m]Heath[/name_m] [name_u]Jackson[/name_u] Vazquez

[name_m]Heath[/name_m] states that he needs the money to build his family and adopt a child with his husband

  1. [name_f]Liz[/name_f] [name_f]Trinity[/name_f] [name_u]Bowen[/name_u]

[name_f]Liz[/name_f] states that she needs the money to pay off a long-standing debt

  1. [name_f]Samantha[/name_f] [name_f]Abigail[/name_f] [name_m]Patton[/name_m]

[name_f]Samantha[/name_f] states she needs the money to give to her little sister so she can go to college

5: [name_u]Joseph[/name_u] [name_m]Zachary[/name_m] [name_m]Gordon[/name_m]

[name_u]Joseph[/name_u] states that he needs the money in order to pay for him to go to graduate school

6: [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] [name_f]Amanda[/name_f] [name_m]Frank[/name_m]

[name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] states that she needs the money to donate to an organization near and dear to her heart

7: [name_u]Maria[/name_u] [name_f]Ricarda[/name_f] [name_m]Lorenzo[/name_m]

[name_u]Maria[/name_u] states that she needs money to start up a small non-profit that will help people in her area

8: [name_m]Feliks[/name_m] [name_m]Lio[/name_m] [name_m]Sparks[/name_m]

[name_m]Feliks[/name_m] states that he needs money to help pay for his pet’s medical bills

9: John-David [name_m]Carlo[/name_m] [name_m]Delgado[/name_m]

John-David states that he needs the money to help his son’s soccer team be able to continue providing sports to kids in the area at no cost

10: [name_f]Savannah[/name_f] Mary-May [name_m]Russell[/name_m]

[name_f]Savannah[/name_f] states that she needs the money to help give her grandparents a good place to live

11: [name_u]Halle[/name_u] [name_f]Hope[/name_f] Henry-Peterson

[name_u]Halle[/name_u] states that she needs the money to remodel her home, which has been significantly damaged by an earthquake

12: [name_m]Einar[/name_m] [name_m]Aron[/name_m] Albertsson

[name_m]Einar[/name_m] states that he needs the money to avoid going into debt for his fiancée’s education

13: [name_f]Portia[/name_f] [name_f]Janine[/name_f] [name_u]Rosario[/name_u]

[name_f]Portia[/name_f] states that she needs the money to stop her local immigrant-owned donut shop from having to close permanently

14: [name_u]Bryden[/name_u] [name_u]Jax[/name_u] [name_u]Leon[/name_u]

[name_u]Bryden[/name_u] states that he needs the money to surprise his fiancée with her dream wedding

15: [name_f]Serenity[/name_f] [name_f]Irene[/name_f] Schneider

[name_f]Serenity[/name_f] states that she needs the money to provide better resources to the kids at her school as she works as a teacher

16: [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] [name_m]Alexander[/name_m] Cowan

[name_u]Nolan[/name_u] states that he needs the money to allow him to travel to the Amazon to pursue his lifelong dream of being a wildlife photographer

Challenge 2: How Trustworthy Were You?

In the first Challenge, the group found [name_f]Liz[/name_f] [name_u]Bowen[/name_u] to be the least trustworthy and vote on it, effectively eliminating her from the game.
However, as a token of revenge, [name_u]Florian[/name_u] announces that [name_f]Liz[/name_f] will get to choose someone to eliminate with her, and she chooses [name_m]Feliks[/name_m] [name_m]Sparks[/name_m].

[name_f]Liz[/name_f] [name_u]Bowen[/name_u]
[name_m]Feliks[/name_m] [name_m]Sparks[/name_m]

Challenge 3: Face-Offs

Face-Off 1: [name_f]Samantha[/name_f] [name_m]Patton[/name_m] vs [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] [name_m]Frank[/name_m]

[name_f]Samantha[/name_f] takes a slip of paper which reads “Guilty”. Through persuasion, she tries to convince [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] that she’s innocent, but [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] doesn’t believe her and correctly declares her guilty.

Face-Off 2: [name_m]Heath[/name_m] Vazquez vs [name_f]Savannah[/name_f] [name_m]Russell[/name_m]

[name_m]Heath[/name_m] takes a slip of paper which reads “Guilty”. He practically begs [name_f]Savannah[/name_f] to choose innocent, but she correctly deduces that he is guilty.

Face-Off 3: [name_m]Clark[/name_m] [name_m]Phillips[/name_m] vs [name_m]Einar[/name_m] Albertsson

[name_m]Clark[/name_m] takes a slip of paper which reads “Innocent”. [name_m]Einar[/name_m] is unconvinced by [name_m]Clark[/name_m]’s persuasion techniques, and although he seems very nervous, incorrectly guesses that [name_m]Clark[/name_m] is guilty.

Face-Off 4: [name_u]Maria[/name_u] [name_m]Lorenzo[/name_m] vs John-David [name_m]Delgado[/name_m]

[name_u]Maria[/name_u] takes a slip of paper which reads “Guilty”. From, the beginning, John-David seems to be very open to what she’s saying, and tells her that he trusts her before incorrectly guesses that she is innocent.

Face-Off 5: [name_f]Portia[/name_f] [name_u]Rosario[/name_u] vs [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] Cowan

[name_f]Portia[/name_f] takes a slip of paper which reads “Innocent”. While [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] seems very unsure of what she is saying in the beginning, he eventually comes around, and very nervously (but correctly) guesses that she is innocent.

Face-Off 6: [name_u]Joseph[/name_u] [name_m]Gordon[/name_m] vs [name_u]Bryden[/name_u] [name_u]Leon[/name_u]

[name_u]Joseph[/name_u] takes a slip of paper which reads “Guilty”. Before he even opens his mouth, [name_u]Bryden[/name_u] declares that he is going to take a leap of faith and correctly guesses that [name_u]Joseph[/name_u] is guilty.

Face-Off 7: [name_u]Halle[/name_u] Henry-Peterson vs [name_f]Serenity[/name_f] Schneider

[name_u]Halle[/name_u] takes a slip of paper which reads “Innocent”. She tries to appeal to [name_f]Serenity[/name_f] by telling her that girls need to stick together, and by declaring her innocent even if she is guilty, [name_f]Serenity[/name_f] will be using her power to benefit other strong women. [name_f]Serenity[/name_f] takes the bait and angrily (but incorrectly) guesses that [name_u]Halle[/name_u] is guilty.

[name_f]Samantha[/name_f] [name_m]Patton[/name_m]
[name_m]Heath[/name_m] Vazquez
[name_m]Einar[/name_m] Albertsson
John-David [name_m]Delgado[/name_m]
[name_u]Joseph[/name_u] [name_m]Gordon[/name_m]
[name_f]Serenity[/name_f] Schneider

Challenge 4: The “Not-So” Challenge

In this challenge, [name_u]Florian[/name_u] asks the remaining contestants some questions about themselves so they can all get to know each other more.

[name_u]Maria[/name_u] won’t stop interrupting [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] while he is speaking. [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] wants her to go away, but [name_u]Maria[/name_u] insists that she was interrupting because his story was a lie anyway.

[name_m]Clark[/name_m] talks more about why he needs the money, stating that his daughter needed an emergency surgery after suffering a fall from a tall height, and now the family is swimming in extreme medical debt from both the hospital bill and his daughter’s new full-time at home caretaker.

[name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] accuses [name_f]Portia[/name_f] of contradicting herself while she tells a story about her childhood memories of going to the local donut shop, as [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] reminds her that she had mentioned that she had only just moved to her small town recently.

[name_f]Savannah[/name_f] starts out with telling a thoughtful story about how her grandparents have helped support her throughout her life and all she wants is to give back to them, but the story spirals into a rant about exactly who she does and. does not trust.

What the contestants do not know is that they were secretly tracked during the telling of their stories of how many lies they told. The lie counter is then shown for all to see:

[name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] - 18
[name_f]Savannah[/name_f] - 14
[name_m]Clark[/name_m] - 4
[name_u]Maria[/name_u] - 10
[name_f]Portia[/name_f] - 4
[name_u]Nolan[/name_u] - 4
[name_u]Bryden[/name_u] - 4
[name_u]Halle[/name_u] - 17

With 18 lies, [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] is eliminated from the game.

[name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] [name_m]Frank[/name_m]

Challenge 5: The [name_m]Ghost[/name_m] of Liars Past

In this challenge, [name_u]Florian[/name_u] speaks with all the eliminated players: [name_f]Liz[/name_f], [name_m]Feliks[/name_m], [name_f]Samantha[/name_f], [name_m]Heath[/name_m], [name_m]Einar[/name_m], John-David, [name_u]Joseph[/name_u], [name_f]Serenity[/name_f], and [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f]. These players have a fun little game of their own, and get to Spin the Wheel to eliminate 3 of the remaining 7 players.

[name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] spins first and lands on [name_u]Bryden[/name_u], eliminating him from the game

[name_f]Serenity[/name_f] spins second and lands on [name_f]Savannah[/name_f], eliminating her from the game

[name_u]Joseph[/name_u] spins third and lands on [name_m]Clark[/name_m], eliminating him from the game

[name_u]Bryden[/name_u] [name_u]Leon[/name_u]
[name_f]Savannah[/name_f] [name_m]Russell[/name_m]
[name_m]Clark[/name_m] [name_m]Phillips[/name_m]

Challenge 6: Florian’s Judgement

In this challenge, [name_u]Florian[/name_u] decides whether each remaining contestant’s story about why they wanted to win the money is true or false. He will then rank these stories on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being a total lie and 10 being the most truthful.

[name_u]Maria[/name_u] - [name_u]Florian[/name_u] ranks [name_u]Maria[/name_u]’s story about wanting the money to start a non-profit at an 8/10. He says that she clearly is very passionate about helping her community, and her story has all lined up so far.

[name_f]Portia[/name_f] - [name_u]Florian[/name_u] ranks [name_f]Portia[/name_f]’s story about wanting the money to save a local immigrant-run donut shop at a 1/10. He says that, as [name_u]Maria[/name_u] pointed out during Challenge 4, her story is full of inconsistencies, and he doesn’t believe her one bit.

[name_u]Nolan[/name_u] - [name_u]Florian[/name_u] ranks [name_u]Nolan[/name_u]’s story about wanting the money to follow his dream of being an [name_f]Amazonian[/name_f] wildlife photographer at a 4/10. While he says that he does not understand why someone would lie about this, he remembers [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] saying earlier that he works a pretty lucrative job, and wondered why he could not just fund his ticket to the Amazon himself, especially because roughing it is not very expensive.

[name_u]Halle[/name_u] - [name_u]Florian[/name_u] ranks [name_u]Halle[/name_u]’s story about wanting the money to remodel her house post-earthquake damage at a 2/10. While he says he was originally very moved by her tears during Challenge 1, he overheard her saying that she lives in Oklahoma, and he doesn’t remember there being any fault lines over there.

Being deemed the two least trustful, both [name_f]Portia[/name_f] and [name_u]Halle[/name_u] are eliminated. Since [name_u]Florian[/name_u] eliminated one liar ([name_f]Portia[/name_f]) and one telling the truth ([name_u]Halle[/name_u]) no money is added to or taken away from the pot.

[name_f]Portia[/name_f] [name_u]Rosario[/name_u]
[name_u]Halle[/name_u] Henry-Peterson

Challenge 7: The Final Two

Both [name_u]Maria[/name_u] and [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] are so close to winning the prize money that they can both taste it! However, in a last minute twist, [name_u]Florian[/name_u] announces that it is a Split or Steal.
In this dilemma, each contestant will secretly decide whether they want to split the money half-and-half, or whether to be risky and try and take all the money for themselves. If both contestants choose split, they both walk away with $50,000. If one chooses Split and the other Steal, the Stealer wins all the money while the Splitter wins nothing. However, if both choose Steal, they both lose and will walk away with nothing.

While in their hidden voting chambers…

[name_u]Maria[/name_u] is really going back and forth on a decision, and seems to have no idea what [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] will choose to do.

[name_u]Nolan[/name_u] wants to Split, but has seen [name_u]Maria[/name_u]’s cutthroat attitude during the game and senses that she will only choose Steal. This makes him ponder whether he should block her play by choosing Steal as well.

The contestants have made their respective choices, and hand their papers to [name_u]Florian[/name_u]. The audience, plus all eliminated contestants, begins the countdown. 3…2…1… and the results are revealed on the screen!

[name_u]Maria[/name_u] - Steal
[name_u]Nolan[/name_u] - Split

Confetti falls from the ceiling as [name_u]Florian[/name_u] runs over to congratulate [name_u]Maria[/name_u], who has fallen to the floor crying with joy. [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] appears to be devastated, as he puts his head in his hands. After getting interviewed, [name_u]Maria[/name_u] heads over to [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] and puts her hand on his shoulders, and apologizes for doing what she did. She promises that she will pay for his plane ticket to the Amazon, which makes [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] seem in slightly better spirits. The whole cast then goes out for a night of partying and celebrating, all on [name_u]Maria[/name_u]’s dime, of course.

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