Who is Ezri?

What does she look like? What sort of demeanor does she have?

A lovely young woman with long hair habitually worn in a single braid. She wears long dresses because she likes too, not because of tradition or religion. She is a nurse? Loves what she does and is strong enough to bear the trials of her job. Caring loving woman that wants children of her own. She has relationships vs casual friends. Keeps all her people close.

Not sue how [name]Ezri[/name] would stand out as a child, but I love the image on a young adult.

[name]Ezri[/name] is a character from [name]Star[/name] Trek: Deep Space Nine (my favorite of the different [name]Star[/name] Trek series), She’s a Trill who plays host to [name]Dax[/name]. Not a bad association.

That’s the only thing I think about when I hear [name]Ezri[/name].

My hubby’s friend’s daughter is named [name]Ezri[/name]. She is super cute. I think the name is lovely and has a bit of spunk.

This is my first and favorite association for the name. I fell in love with it on her, and added it to my list as a semi-guilty pleasure name. To my surprise, hubby latched on to it – so now I’m trying to get a broader image of [name]Ezri[/name]!

It sounds like it should be a feminine form of [name]Ezra[/name]. Sounds like a happy girl, with lots of spunk. Enjoy!

Mom to [name]Jessica[/name] and [name]Jemima[/name]

I’m terrible at these “imagine a person to attach to the name” games, but my vague image of [name]Ezri[/name] would be a young woman with long dark hair dressed in stylish, androgynous clothing. Maybe someone who spends a lot of time going to museums. A bit image-conscious, but not in an extreme way.

It is indeed the feminine form of [name]Ezra[/name].

That is awesome! I think it’s a really cute name.

[name]Ezri[/name]: She’s a little fireball, everything she does is her way. She’s very clever, when she’s little she always finds ways to get her way, but not in a way that annoys you because she’s such a thinker and is so smart and witty. She loves nature, adores animals, but is very realistic. When she comes home from her day at the nature nursery she tells you about the beheaded fox she found in the woods, and talks about it in a very practical way. When she grows up she’s very cool and casual, but quite quirky. She’s into role playing and therefore is very popular with the boys. She loves mountain climbing and hunting, and spends all her money on traveling overseas to go on safaris and climb dangerous mountains. When she’s a proper grown up she becomes a nature photographer.

I’m really loving all this imagery for [name]Ezri[/name].

[name]Ottilie[/name], you just described the little firecracker I would love to have as a daughter!! I was locked in at clever fireball, and it just kept getting better after that. I may have just fallen deeper in love with this name :slight_smile:

[name]Flick[/name], interestingly enough our gene pool is likely to give us someone in the vague neighborhood of [name]Ezri[/name] [name]Dax[/name] – petite, dark hair, bright eyes and fair skin. In watching her I couldn’t help but thing that she looked like a cross between my husband and I. I wonder if that’s part of why I latched on to the name??

She has long dark hair and she’s very social and talkative and positive. Enjoys travelling and exploring new places and cultures and making and having lots of friends all over the world. :slight_smile:

I first think of the Trill. (It would be awesome if your [name]Ezri[/name] looked like [name]Ezri[/name] [name]Dax[/name]- in my nerdy opinion. Jadzia is also not a bad name, either). I wish my mom had named [name]Kathryn[/name] or [name]Kess[/name] after the characters in Voyager, so [name]Star[/name] Trek is a great namesake.

I can’t put an image to a real [name]Ezri[/name], but I imagine a spunky girl who is intelligent and can be mischievious.

I have a niece [name]Ezri[/name] and she is adventurous, happy, witty, and always has an amazing story to tell. Dark hair, olive skin, and petite. She is a doll. It is a great name!!