Who is Holland? Who is Corinne?

We are still having a tough time choosing between 2 girl’s names: [name]Holland[/name] and [name]Corinne[/name] (pronounced Kor-IN).

Would you mind taking a moment and painting a picture for me? :wink:

In your mind, what does [name]Holland[/name] look like? What’s her personality?

In your mind, what does [name]Corinne[/name] look like? What’s her personality?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

[name]Holland[/name] looks more like a [name]Holly[/name] to me: cheerful, upbeat, put together and down to earth.
[name]Corrine[/name] is harder for me. I have known about 3 and they were all super different. I know a spunky blond and a quieter, more exotic-looking [name]Corrine[/name]. I think quiet, sophisticated, and dark is my picture of a [name]Corrine[/name].

Image of a [name]Holland[/name]: a spunky, tomboyish blond-haired girl.

Image of a [name]Corinne[/name]: an elegant, sophisticated and feminine brunette.

[name]Corinne[/name] is a sweet, spunky, and fun little girl, but also someone to be taken seriously when the time comes. She tends to be the leader of the group, and maybe tends toward bossiness, but in general, her kindness and adventurous spirit make her well-liked among peers. Her favourite way to pass the time is watching tadpoles in the river, catching frogs, and exploring the woods, pretending its her own little kingdom of which she’s queen. She’s a cat person, but likes dogs, as well. In middle school, she’ll go through a phrase where she wants to be called [name]Cori[/name], definitely with an ‘i’, but in high school, she’ll change it back to [name]Corinne[/name]. She’s the mate everyone turns to for help with their problems, and she loves that, but it also overwhelms her at times, and she’ll go through a phase where she’ll cut loose so she doesn’t feel so restrained. She’ll go abroad for university and study biology, zoology, medicine, or veterinary science.

[name]Holland[/name] is the life of the party, even as a wee babe! She’s a little ham and loves the camera. She’s sporty, but also girly, and you can always find her singing and dancing about the living room. When her friends come over, she puts on plays with them, and she’s always the star. High school is difficult, because she has to choose between musical theatre or running track. Eventually, she decides to go for theatre, because that’s where most of her friends are. She always tells it like it is, has a sarcastic sense of humour, and is popular. She’ll take a year off after school to travel. She’ll go by [name]Holly[/name] for this period of her life, thinking it sounds more sophisticated, and perhaps even by a middle name. Eventually, she’ll go to university and study literature, doing a creative thesis to meet her matriculation requirements.

Thank you, [name]Mischa[/name]! This is exactly what I’m hoping for…a picture in my mind to help us decide :slight_smile:

Cosmonaut…you’re amazing! What great character development. I can tell you put a lot of time and thought into this. Thank you! :slight_smile:
If you don’t already create characters for novels or short stories, you should. Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

Wow such great choices! [name]Holland[/name] would get my vote of the two but you cannot go wrong either way.

[name]Holland[/name] - To me [name]Holland[/name] had light blond hair and the sweetest smile. She is very bubbly and energetic. The type of girl you just cannot help but like, tons of friends, a very loyal type.

[name]Corinne[/name] - I see as a a dark brunette with big brown eyes and freckles. She is more shy and reserved. Friendly and sweet but also a quite bookworm.

[name]Holland[/name] is the evil guy from Wolfram and Heart on [name]Angel[/name].

[name]Corinne[/name] is blonde, quite and studious.