Why do you like this name? Please help decide-with reasons!

[name_f]Chloe[/name_f], [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], and [name_u]Zola[/name_u]. Which one do you like the best and WHY?
Also, any nickname ideas for the one/ones you like?

I like both [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] and [name_f]Chloe[/name_f]. [name_u]Zola[/name_u] doesn’t appeal to me - and I just think of [name_m]French[/name_m] writer [name_m]Emile[/name_m] [name_u]Zola[/name_u]. I like [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] best, possibly because Z is a great letter to start a name, and it’s just so neat, streamlined and feels sassy to me. [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] has many of the same qualities, but has probably been used more - I’ve known several, so just doesn’t have quite the same appeal - though still a nice name. I really like [name_f]Cleo[/name_f] as something similar which is much less used.

[name_f]Zoe[/name_f] is such a pretty, simple, classic name with a lovely meaning that I would have to pick it. [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] would be a second, I love the meaning as well.

[name_f]Zoe[/name_f] is my favourite, but I’m going to stick my head above the NB parapet here and say that I actually prefer the modern variant spelling [name_f]Zoey[/name_f], which feels a bit more spirited to me. I agree with @araminty that Z is a fantastic first initial to have.

My second favourite is [name_u]Zola[/name_u], which appeals again because of that spiky, funky first initial, but I do prefer it for a boy as a nod to [name_m]Emile[/name_m] [name_u]Zola[/name_u]. There are other Z names I prefer for a girl, like [name_f]Ziva[/name_f], [name_f]Zara[/name_f], [name_f]Zosia[/name_f], [name_f]Zella[/name_f], [name_f]Zinnia[/name_f]…

[name_f]Chloe[/name_f] is a fine name, but I’ve jnown so many at this point that I can’t get excited about it. [name_f]Cleo[/name_f], on the other hand… love!

Of the three names here, [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] is my favorite…[name_f]Zoe[/name_f] reminds me of the babies in a couple of cartoon strips ([name_u]Baby[/name_u] [name_m]Blues[/name_m] & [name_f]Cathy[/name_f], which probably dates me pretty thoroughly) & [name_u]Zola[/name_u] sounds like a restaurant in [name_m]New[/name_m] Orleans. I’m not as much of a Z-name person as many/most people here on Nameberry, I think…but I do like [name_f]Zara[/name_f] & [name_f]Zanna[/name_f].

[name_f]Chloe[/name_f] is my favourite - I love the meaning (I love gardening and nature, and young green shoot is like… that burst of fresh live, the new little sprout on the family tree).

…BUT I feel like it’s quite over-used, enough that I’d go for [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] as the top choice taking that into account. Also a nice meaning, classic but beautiful name. I think I’ve got a soft spot for the sounds in Greek names in general, I like [name_f]Iris[/name_f] and [name_f]Athene[/name_f] too.

I don’t really like [name_u]Zola[/name_u]. Probably just because I’ve never heard of it before - it sounds like someone tried to combine [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] and [name_f]Lola[/name_f] or something. I think if it was a bit more common or part of my own cultural heritage it would be fine though.

I like [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] and [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], chloe more so. [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] is very cute for a little girl as is [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], but I’m a fan of the [name_f]Clo[/name_f] sound. [name_u]Zola[/name_u] reminds me of the [name_f]Marvel[/name_f] villain

I knew an elderly woman when I was little named [name_u]Zola[/name_u] (she was a friend of my great Grandmother’s, I think is was actually an offbeat nickname for [name_f]Consuela[/name_f] and not her given name but I can’t remember) so I have some really pleasant connections to this name. I do kind of agree with [name_f]Katinka[/name_f] about it being a bit more suited to a boy though, and I like the suggestion of [name_f]Zosia[/name_f] a lot.

While [name_u]Zola[/name_u] isn’t my favorite Z name I do like it more than [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] and [name_f]Chloe[/name_f]. Both are cute but feel a little tired/oversaturated to me.

I like both [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] and [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], but I think I agree with most pp that [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] is just a bit too overdone right now. It has lost its spark for me. I also agree with [name_f]Katinka[/name_f] that I like [name_f]Zoey[/name_f], though honestly my favorite spelling is probably the technically made up and incorrect [name_u]Zooey[/name_u].

[name_f]Chloe[/name_f] would be my favourite. I just think it’s super pretty and soft sounding and I can just see a little girl who’s very polite and cool with this name. Personally I’d spell it with a K just so it’s a little different.

I love [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] the most! It’s spunky and suits different personalities. I know three [name_f]Zoe[/name_f]'s, all in high school (though they’re all spelled differently: [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], [name_f]Zoey[/name_f], and [name_m]Zo[/name_m]ë). I prefer [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] and [name_m]Zo[/name_m]ë (the umlaut on the e just looks gorgeous to me!). My second favorite is [name_f]Chloe[/name_f]; I don’t love it as much as [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], but appreciate the quieter sophistication of it.
[name_u]Zola[/name_u] is not my style, but not a bad name at all.

I think [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] and [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] and darling for little girls, but [name_u]Zola[/name_u] would age much better

I like [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] and [name_f]Chloe[/name_f]. Probably [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] more, seems more complete and more femine. I don’t like [name_u]Zola[/name_u] it seems too outer space for me.

I like [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] best, it’s sleek and it has a lovely meaning.
My second favourite is [name_u]Zola[/name_u], I think it’s cool but I personally am not a huge fan of the Oh-Lah sound (I’m not a massive fan of [name_f]Nola[/name_f] or [name_f]Lola[/name_f] either).
My least favourite is [name_f]Chloe[/name_f], it feels like such a late 90s/early 00’s name to me which makes it quite dated and for some reason most TV characters called [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] are often stuck up and rude.

Z names are kinda cool. [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] and [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] are pretty overused right now. Of the two i prefer [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], and i agree with whoever said it that [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] is a nicer fresher iteration. [name_u]Zola[/name_u] just doesnt quite work for me. [name_f]Zara[/name_f] is great though. Zaya i like too, and even [name_f]Zelah[/name_f].

[name_f]Zoe[/name_f] is my favorite. I love the Z sound and the meaning. It is spunky, energetic, and grounded.

I like [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] best due to the meaning-- life!

[name_f]Zoe[/name_f], [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], [name_f]Zoe[/name_f]! I adore it. I love that it means “life”; that it sounds so cute and zippy, but that it’s been the name of empresses, so it obviously has staying power; that it doesn’t sound very international but is used and well-loved on almost every continent of this world; that it ages gracefully (I have met a couple middle-aged Zoes, and they wear it so well!); that zippy “Z” for a first initial; the way it sounds rolling off the tongue; that, as a word (Ζωη) it can be found in the Bible; that anybody could be a [name_f]Zoe[/name_f]! It’s one of my favorite names. I get so excited about [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], haha.

[name_f]Chloe[/name_f] is nice, but I don’t get as excited about it; I grew up with one that I thought, for the longest time, didn’t like me, and it’s still hard to shake the association, even though I have grown to like it as a middle name. ([name_f]Adeliza[/name_f] [name_f]Chloe[/name_f], for example, I adore!) And [name_f]Lola[/name_f] IS a cute nn if you need one. My sister’s cat is [name_f]Chloe[/name_f], too, and is super cute, so that has helped remedy it for me, although I’m not sure I’d use it on a human yet.

[name_u]Zola[/name_u] is unfortunately a no for me; it reminds me of the evil Dr. [name_u]Zola[/name_u] from the [name_f]Marvel[/name_f] Cinematic Universe, the medication Zoloft (which I believe is an antidepressant? Not that the medicine is a bad thing, but I’m not sure I’d want to think of a medicine whilst calling my child!), etc. I would much prefer [name_f]Zora[/name_f], which means “dawn”, and has a great association to [name_f]Zora[/name_f] [name_u]Neale[/name_u] Hurston, or even [name_f]Zara[/name_f] or [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] or [name_f]Zinnia[/name_f].

I’d rank them [name_f]Zoe[/name_f], then [name_f]Chloe[/name_f], then [name_u]Zola[/name_u], personally. All the best!

I actually like all three. [name_f]Zoe[/name_f] and Choke feel 90s to me but do like them. I would use alternatives such as [name_f]Cleo[/name_f] and [name_f]Xanthe[/name_f] (I know twins named xoe and [name_f]Xanthe[/name_f])

I find [name_u]Zola[/name_u] fresher and I prefer this out of the three.

[name_u]Zola[/name_u]! It’s most unique