Wilder -pronunciation

[name]How[/name] do you pronounce [name]Wilder[/name]? It’s one of those names that I had always said it a certain way, but then I recently heard it said another way, so now I’m just curious as to how most people will say it. Also, what are your opinions on it? Thanks!

My first guess would be like the adjective, like wilder (rhymes with milder), but [name]Will[/name]-der (rhyming with [name]Wilbur[/name]) would also make sense and if someone said it that way I wouldn’t really balk. It’s not a super common name so I think you can kind of say it how you want. But I think because of the word, and because of the current popularity of [name]Rider[/name]/[name]Ryder[/name], people are going to try the long i pronunciation (like wild) first.

Like [name]Oscar[/name] Wilde but with an r on the end :slight_smile:

while-der or wyle-der.

Definitely the “[name]Wild[/name]” way and not the “[name]Will[/name]” way. [name]Wilder[/name] as in [name]Laura[/name] Ingalls.