Will Gilbert be taken seriously?

I agree with the sentiment already shared by many – [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] is a very reasonable name to give a child. I can’t see any issues. It’s clear you’re putting a lot of time and thought into this search. Since names and what they represent are very important to you, it’s not surprising the decision process is feeling quite stressful. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if you and your husband liked the same exact names for the same exact reasons, I suspect it would still be difficult to choose.

I wonder if a break from name discussions (and late night searches) might allow your natural feelings to solidify about the names on your list. Often other voices are more distracting than helpful, usually swinging between highly positive and highly negative. It makes things quite confusing. [name_f]Every[/name_f] name attracts mixed feelings, whether it’s because of style, popularity, long-held associations or other reasons. It’s just when a name belongs to a person, most people don’t voice their opinions nor do they ruminate on them.

Naming your child together is a gift that you get to give. I just want to cheer you on! You picked a wonderful name for your first child, you will do so again with this child.


I actually knew a [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] and his name was taken seriously. I equally feel that there’s such a range of names these days, [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] will feel right at home

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I don’t want to be negative, because it seems like you really love this name. If you do, you should go for it no matter what other people think! It’s not rude or offensive and I think that’s the main thing.

However, I personally can’t get behind [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m]. There are a lot of great associations to help the name, and if I knew one it might be different, but I’m not a fan. I always think of a tweet I once saw saying something like “imagine meeting a guy and his name was… [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m]” that taints it for me.

But your little [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] would be a real human being that people would know and become attached to. He would shape the ideas around the name in the people’s minds who met him, and he would make it seem useable and to be taken seriously. If he didn’t end up liking his name, he could always go by his middle name or a nickname like [name_u]Bertie[/name_u] that makes it seem a little more accessible.

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I firmly believe if you love it go for it. People will always have opinions but what matters is you love your son. I can definitely see [name_m]Edmund[/name_m] and [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] as brothers.
I personally don’t LOVE the name [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] - but really loved some of the other names you have posted about(I think [name_m]Alistair[/name_m] was my favourite ). I do feel like there is teasing potential for any name, but I can definitely see [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] as one of those picked on names . I really like the nickname suggestion of [name_m]Bear[/name_m] or [name_u]Bertie[/name_u] though
I know one little guy (who must be 6 or 8 now) that goes by [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m].( it’s his middle name). He is a very passionate swimmer so his family just started calling him [name_m]Gil[/name_m] and than adopted his full middle name for what they exclusively call him.


Oops! I blame that one on the late hour in which I posted… [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] [name_u]Winslow[/name_u] is the character in the book, not the author lol. [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] MORRIS is the author. :joy::joy:

Gilbert fits right in with the trend, yet has the luxury of remaining relatively undiscovered. In this way the name will strike a nice familiar chord with most while not being overdone.

For an adolescent, nicknames [name_m]Gil[/name_m] and [name_u]Bert[/name_u] feel like they could make good options for a variety of personalities.

Lastly, if [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] somehow just doesn’t fit your particular teenager, you could always give them a more common/widely accepted middle name to give them one more option.

But honestly, I love [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] and I think others will too! Sometimes it can just take some time for people to adjust to a name they aren’t used to.

Good luck!

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Absolutely, [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] will be taken seriously and is totally ready for a comeback. [name_m]Just[/name_m] the right amount of nerdy. The nickname [name_m]Gil[/name_m] is cute and kinda cool/jazzy.

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Ahhh - I see! Thank you for responding again :blush:

You are so right. I do need to have a break from all things name related. It’s so disheartening to read negative comments about a name that I love, but I guess I did put it out there and ask for honest opinions.

Thank you for supporting me through this! :kissing_heart:

Thank you :pray:t3: So good to hear you knew a [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m]! [name_m]Can[/name_m] I please ask you how old he was? Was he a bit of an outcast? Or did he just fit in as a ‘regular’ boy/man who was accepted by others?

[quote=“[name_f]Gia[/name_f].berry, post:24, topic:342505”]
But your little Gilbert would be a real human being that people would know and become attached to. He would shape the ideas around the name in the people’s minds who met him, and he would make it seem useable and to be taken seriously. If he didn’t end up liking his name, he could always go by his middle name or a nickname like Bertie that makes it seem a little more accessible.

Thank you so much! :hugs:

[name_m]Gil[/name_m] for a talented young swimmer is such a clever use of his middle name :grin: I love that!

This was so lovely to read this morning :grinning: Thank you, @jonquils!

I really feel this way about the name too :wink:
Thank you - hopefully there’ll be a few more little Gilberts running around in years to come and it won’t be seen as such an odd choice :blue_heart:

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[quote=“[name_f]Gia[/name_f].berry, post:24, topic:342505”]
I always think of a tweet I once saw saying something like “imagine meeting a guy and his name was… Gilbert” that taints it for me.

This tweet is disappointing, but somehow, not surprising either. It’s upsetting just how narrow minded some people can be. I could understand this comment being said about someone naming their child ‘chair’ or ‘bucket’, but Gilbert? Really? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Thanks @cactusgram - so happy to hear others are fond of [name_m]Gil[/name_m] too :slightly_smiling_face:

Lol - no worries at all! I appreciate you clarifying this. I’ll have to check it out :wink:

He was a few years below me at school, so at the time he was 7/8. He came to a lunch time club I helped run and seemed to fit in fine

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Gilbert is definitely with the trend and will fit in well. It seems like it is a good fit with your other child. [name_m]Edmund[/name_m] and [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] definitely match well as brothers as they both have the same kind of feel.

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I know two Gilberts, a 15 year old boy and a black lab! The teenager goes by [name_m]Gil[/name_m] or just [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] and I think he does get teased sometimes, but it’s never malicious! I am certain surrounded by [name_m]Alberts[/name_m] et.c. [name_m]Gilbert[/name_m] will never stick out like a sore thumb. I mention the dog because he goes by [name_m]Gilby[/name_m], which is just adorable xxx