I love the old fashioned girls names, and even the Puritan names like [name]Hope[/name], [name]Faith[/name] etc. If we go with [name]Hope[/name], do you think some will take it literally like ‘[name]Sunshine[/name]’ or is it instantly recognizable as a true name?
I’m not sure if that’s what you’re asking, but to me [name]Hope[/name], [name]Faith[/name] and the likes do not sound nicknamey the way names like [name]Sunshine[/name], [name]Honey[/name], [name]Love[/name], etc. do. [name]Hope[/name] this helps!
It’s definitely a real name like [name]Grace[/name] or [name]Faith[/name], it’s not like [name]Sunshine[/name]. It’s a respected real name, that’s gotten away from just word recognition. However, the word recognition is still there and people will still think of it when hearing or saying her name. So it’s a risky name. What if she grows up to be a depressive? I know I wouldn’t want to have that name, because it doesn’t fit my personality.
My middle name is [name]Hope[/name], and I know that when I tell people, no one finds it to be nicknamey or un-namey like [name]Sunshine[/name] or [name]Rainbow[/name]… I really like it
No, I don’t think it will be taken literally. [name]Hope[/name] is a real name. People won’t really think of it like, “I hope I win the lottery!” or something. [name]Don[/name]'t worry, because you have nothing to worry about.