Will Oliver always be called Ollie?

or do you think people will call him [name]Oliver[/name]? Are there any other nicknames besides [name]Noll[/name] and [name]Ollie[/name]? Thanks!!

I love [name]Oliver[/name]! I know of two Olivers, and both have always gone by [name]Oliver[/name], never [name]Ollie[/name]. One of the Olivers loved to call himself “O” and often referred to himself as “The big O” when he was little, unaware of the connotations. :slight_smile:

I personally think it’s possible to avoid [name]Oliver[/name], but can’t think of any other nicknames at the moment. (I’m sorry!)

Good luck! :slight_smile:

Liver? :smiley:

If you don’t like [name]Ollie[/name], stick to [name]Oliver[/name]. But you never know what’s going to happen when he gets old enough to choose his own nn’s.

I’m not sure its one of the nn’s that automatically happen. (Like [name]Rachel[/name] being shortened to Rach.) I think its possible to avoid it, but you never can know what he’ll choose as an adult.

sidenote: we have an [name]Olivia[/name] in my family that is ALWAYS called [name]Ollie[/name]…

I think [name]Oliver[/name] is cute for a little boy but as a grown man…I find it rather dorky. I dated a [name]German[/name] guy named [name]Oliver[/name] for two weeks and ended it because I couldn’t get past his name.

That seems like a very strange reason to end things…
[name]Ollie[/name] might be better suited to a child, but I don’t feel like [name]Oliver[/name] is boyish or dorky in the least.

No, I don’t think he will necessarily become an [name]Ollie[/name]. I’ve been really surprised and pleased to see other parents and teachers using children’s full names, and NOT shortening them as everyone did when I was in school. I know Olivers and Samsons and Nathaniels etc etc , and no one calls them [name]Sam[/name] or [name]Ollie[/name] or [name]Nate[/name].

I don’t think I [name]EVER[/name] saw the word “liver” in [name]Oliver[/name]!!! That is so shocking to me!!! I just scratched it off my long list and it’s been on my long list for over 3 years!!! I can’t get over the “liver” now! Ha…darn.

I love [name]Oliver[/name] and even the nn [name]Ollie[/name]. However I’ve never heard an [name]Oliver[/name] I’ve known called [name]Ollie[/name]. My husband usually calls our nephews Mr. Q for [name]Quinn[/name], Mr. E for [name]Ethan[/name] and well [name]Tyler[/name] is just [name]Tyler[/name] because Mr. T is a hard name for a little guy to live up too :wink: Would Mr. O be strange? What about [name]Lee[/name] is that a stretch? Probably.

I like [name]Noel[/name] ([name]NOLE[/name]) or [name]Noll[/name] or just [name]Oliver[/name]. I’m seriously considering choosing [name]Oliver[/name] as my sons name who is due in 7 weeks!

My nephews name is [name]Oliver[/name] (love love love it!) and no one but one of his grandmothers [name]EVER[/name] calls him [name]Ollie[/name]. He occasionally goes by “O” but the majority of the time it is just [name]Oliver[/name].

I think it is such a great name!