Idk, I just think I will have a lot of trouble with this when the day comes. Not because I don’t have a favorites list of anything, but because my likes and dislikes are constantly changing. I used to love sienna now it’s meh. I feel like I will have trouble I’ll name my kids one thing and then next week I’ll be like “wait I hate that let me pick another” and I know you all have new favorites everyday like me
I’ve always thought that when the time comes I’ll be divinely inspired by their names and it will just feel right
But I think the hardest part will be not being able to use all of the amazing names I love 🥲
I doubt it. I actually think I won’t bother at all with how the names go together once that day comes. So if I want to use all my favourites in one name, I will do so
None of the names on my list are usable for me, so I dread to think about having little humans to name
Naming is sooooooo hard!!!
I’m addicted to names spending my free time on nameberry, discuss names with anyone who is willing to discuss them and watch youtube videos about names SJ Strum is my favourite YouTuber honestly live & breathe names. Right now my baby is asleep, the house is clean & things are done for today and yet again I’m here living breathing names!
With this in mind I thought I would love naming my child when the time came. However when it actually came down to naming my daughter I struggled. I had such a long criteria which when discussing names for not an actual baby I didn’t have and my favourite name had been vetoed along with others. Working through naming with someone else is also hard as sometimes they have polar opposite taste to you which is annoying taking you in a completely different direction to how you wanted to name your child. So yes it’s just so confusing & challenging naming an actual child in comparison too discussing names for pretend children. In the end though you do find your one and it’s such a lovely moment but yes I think your thinking really realistically as naming an actual baby is hard!
I’m honestly not sure. [name_f]My[/name_f] favourites have been my favourites for so long and I don’t think that’ll change when I actually have kids, but you never know. I’ve heard so many times of people having longtime favourite names not liking them anymore/them not feeling right when it actually comes time to name their child. Not to mention there’s also the factor of the father who could very well dislike my favourites and my very well have a completely different style than I do. If we end up not using any of my top names, I think I’ll struggle to find something else. Not because there’s no other names I like, but because I’m not sure with any of them; I’d be scared of name regret. But I’m hoping the right name will just come to us if we do go with something else
This is my problem too, my top 5 is always changing, but I’ve realized that I keep looking back at the same pool of names so atleast I know what I like. But for now it’s fun to just play around with names that I may or may not use for a realistic child. As @hannahwren said, I think I’ll be sad not being able to use all my favorite names For the most part, my significant other agrees on my choices so I’m curious if his opinion would change once we’re actually expecting lol.
I am definitely having trouble! I’ve loved names for forever and have always had a running list of names. That list has changed so much over the years though. Now we are finally pregnant after trying for 3 years and I don’t like any of my names! They just don’t feel like real people names anymore. It’s the weirdest thing!
I’m checking her out now and I subscribed! It’s nice to hear how some names are pronounced too
Omg same. I think about this when I question marriage and one bonus is that it might be easier bc I’d have to compromise so it doesn’t need to be 100% perfect but then again compromising bc we have different favorites means I might not get to use all my favorites
I know I think to myself “if he doesn’t like my names then he’s not the one” because I don’t want to sacrifice my favorites, a name is life long and I want it to be perfect but it’s too unrealistic to base a good partner off of name preferences
I feel the same! I do have a boy name that I’ve loved for ages and will 100% use if the day comes (and my SO agrees), but obviously there is a chance that when I’m actually pregnant I just don’t love the name as much as I do now. For a girl, it’s much harder! I love so many names, and I’m afraid I will never be really pleased with what I’ll pick. But I’m sure when I actually have a daughter one day, I’ll just know and she will wear her name beautifully!
Honestly she’s really brilliant her lists are gorgeous! She also has a podcast on Spotify called baby name envy which is also a great listen
Their are some names that are only on my list for a short time, while others have always stuck for me. I think I will end up going the safe route and choose the names I’ve loved the longest. I will never regret naming my child Rose or Wesley, for instance.
[name_f]My[/name_f] favorites have been pretty steady for a while now, but I do think I will have a hard time deciding on just one name (combo). There are so many names that I love, I think it’s going to be really difficult to slowly veto my favorites.
[name_f]My[/name_f] favorites have been pretty steady. I think my biggest issue is choosing which favorites I will have to forgo and having to compromise with an SO
[name_f]My[/name_f] top names are pretty consistent, so it very much depends how future SO reacts to my favourites. If it’s positively, specifically towards the boys, then I think it’ll be quite easy. If not then it could be more difficult. Right now, I could pretty easily name a good few kids, but 10+ maybe I’d struggle to decide on which names to use first.
I do have some names that shoot up my list pretty quick. But my old faves usually win out eventually. I just have to hope that doesn’t happen too close to actually having a kid .
lol I did this to some extent when I was pregnant. Our top 5 names were always consistent but sometimes I would be charmed by a new name. I didn’t want to let go of the naming process because I had been looking forward to it for so long! Sometimes I do feel sad I didn’t get to use Winifred
Yes, a bit. Boys will be easy to name, but girls…I’ll probably struggle a bit. Currently, I could easily name 2 girls, but more than that would throw me into a panic!
I think I’ll pick some names and then when I meet my child for the first time, I’ll choose which one fits the best!