
My husband and I have almost come to a concensus on the name [name]Charlie[/name]… with the major caveat that our last name is [name]Keen[/name]. My questions, then:

  • Would it be wildly short-sighted to hold back on a name we love because it rhymes with some famous jerk?
  • [name]Will[/name] [name]Charlie[/name] [name]Sheen[/name] even be relevent in a year? 5 years?

I’m thinking we could just call him [name]Charles[/name] for now.

If your last name was [name]Sheen[/name], absolutely a no-go, but I wouldn’t blow off your favorite because of him. Plus, if I heard [name]Charlie[/name] [name]Keen[/name], it wouldn’t remind me of [name]Charlie[/name] [name]Sheen[/name].

I don’t think it’s a problem. [name]Charlie[/name] [name]Sheen[/name] certainly won’t be around for long.

I didn’t even think of [name]Charlie[/name] sheen until I read the rest of your post so I say use it. There are other nicknames for [name]Charles[/name] anyway:


And if his middle initial sounds good he can be Cee-letter like CJ.

I can’t lie, I totally laughed reading the title :D. I think you’re fine to use the name. You may get a little grief at first but nothing that I don’t think you can’t handle! [name]Charles[/name] is such a handsome name, it would be a shame for you to not use it.

At first I thought you were considering “Winning” as a baby name and I was like NOOOOO [name]Charlie[/name] Sheeeen!!!

But I think [name]Charlie[/name] is a really cute name, for a boy OR a girl in fact…and I think you should go ahead and use it if you love it :slight_smile:

I think [name]Charlie[/name] [name]Sheen[/name] will be completely irrelevant in a couple of years. But just in case, I’d use [name]Charles[/name] on the bc and have backup nns ready, like the list from woodensandals. I knew a [name]Charles[/name] in college who went by [name]Chad[/name], so almost any name starting in Ch- could work as a nn for [name]Charles[/name].

And let’s all hope he is only irrelevant and not dead!

[name]Charlie[/name] is such an adorable name. It would be a shame to let this one amazingly out of control jerk ruin it. [name]Even[/name] in a case where the last name rhymes with “[name]Sheen[/name].” Yes, there are other cute nns for [name]Charles[/name]. I’m fond of [name]Chas[/name] too. But [name]Charlie[/name] is special. Use it. But the time he’s 10 it will be a non-issue, I predict.

(When I saw the thread title, I thought, “[name]How[/name] can there be a thread here about [name]Charlie[/name] [name]Sheen[/name]!?!”)

It’s all a moot point now because we just (accidentally!) found out we’re having a girl!!! :smiley:

But I totally would have gone ahead with [name]Charlie[/name]. If we ever have another baby, that one is [name]Charlie[/name] all the way!


[name]Happy[/name] baby girl day!

You can still use [name]Charlie[/name]. [name]Just[/name] go with [name]Charlotte[/name]. :twisted:

Yeah, [name]Charlotte[/name] “[name]Charlie[/name]” [name]Keen[/name] is fine! :slight_smile: Congratulations! :slight_smile: Or maybe you don’t like [name]Charlie[/name] for a girl?

She’s got a name already locked in. [name]Sylvie[/name] [name]Louise[/name]. :slight_smile:

[name]Sylvie[/name] [name]Louise[/name] is good too. I was mostly kidding about [name]Charlotte[/name]/[name]Charlie[/name]. You have to save something for that little boy who might show up, right?

Ooh, such a pretty name! Congratulations!