Winter Apricot? LOL!

I dreamed last night that I had a baby girl and I named her…[name]Winter[/name] Apricot. [name]Even[/name] in my dream I knew it was a ridiculous name and tried to change it, but it was too late. Thought the nameberries would appreciate it!

Haha! I love [name]Winter[/name]…just not Apricot. :wink:

[name]Ah[/name], but I see you like [name]Plum[/name]…why not Apricot? Perhaps my dream predicted the new hot name :wink:

[name]Winter[/name] Apricot sounds like a species of fruit tree, however :smiley:

I think it’s adorable! [name]Little[/name] [name]Winter[/name] Apricot. And apricots are so delicious, and the trees are beauties (all trees are)! The word apricot actually means “ripened in summer” or something like that. Anyway, I know of a [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Plum[/name]… this is kind of up the same street.

I like [name]Winter[/name] as a first name and Apricot as a middle name… just not together.

Haha, that’s pretty funny. It does have a cute sound…haha. :slight_smile:

Ha. I had no idea this would be a dream when I opened the thread. I guess that goes to show you that I’ve been conditioned to reading some pretty wacky combinations on this board!

[name]Winter[/name] Apricot is not the worst either. :wink:

What a nightmare! I’d never name my daughter [name]Peyton[/name] [name]Michelle[/name]. That would be my nightmare!

It does sound more like a variety of apricot than a name. [name]Glad[/name] to see it was just a dream.

Aw, I think it’s so cute. But not realistic!

Perhaps it’ll inspire a nickname for something like [name]Winifred[/name] [name]April[/name]. Idk!

I actually like both of those names, just not together!

Wow. I once dreamed that my husband and I had a son (before we found out we were having a girl, our boy list consisted of [name]Nathan[/name], [name]Theodore[/name], and [name]Zachary[/name], IIRC). His name was [name]Dean[/name].

You are totally in the swing of what is in ie Wintery names and Nature names, so your dream was spot on but hopefully you can forget Apricot and make sure she remains a fruit and not a person’s name.