Here’s today’s [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] CAF with fun facts about how [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] is celebrated over the world!
The [name_m]Nicholas[/name_m] Family:
This family has children who are adopted from various places in the world which needs to be reflected in their names!!
first name - A name meaning ‘glow’
middle name - A name inspired by a cartoon character.
first name - A name meaning ‘wood’
middle name - A name containing the word ‘[name_f]Santa[/name_f]’
DD1 - adopted from the Philippines
In the Philippines, The Giant Lantern Festival is held on [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] [name_f]Eve[/name_f] every year and involves people competing to create the most elaborate lanterns in the city of San [name_m]Fernando[/name_m] which is often called the ‘[name_u]Christmas[/name_u] Capital’.
First name - a traditionally Filipino name.
middle name - a name meaning ‘light’/‘lamp’/ or ‘Lantern’
DS1: Adopted from Norway
In Norway there is a tradition of hiding broomsticks on [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] [name_f]Eve[/name_f] as it was traditionally believed that witches and evil spirits would come looking for brooms to steal and ride!!
First name - a traditionally Norwegian name.
Middle name - a name inspired by witches or magic
DD2: Adopted from Japan
In Japan, eating KFC is a popular way to celebrate [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] as a treat. [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] is still a relatively new celebration in Japan and doesn’t have much of a religious connection. It is seen as a time to spend with loved ones.
First name: A traditionally Japanese name beginning with K.
middle name - a name that remind you of family or loved ones
DS2: Adopted from Australia
In Australia, [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] is celebrated in the [name_f]Summer[/name_f] season and so it is warm! Some people go to the beach on Boxing [name_u]Day[/name_u] to celebrate with family.
first name - a name that means ‘sun’
middle name - a name inspired by the beach.
sorry if any of these facts are wrong