What are you thoughts on [name_u]Winter[/name_u] for a first name for baby girl? Siblings are [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] and [name_u]Everett[/name_u]. My concerns are that it does not go with siblings name and that it’s too out there. I loved the name [name_f]Violet[/name_f] but I am seeing it everywhere these days. We also had [name_u]Linden[/name_u] on our list for baby girl. But no one seems to like this name.
I also love the name [name_f]Laurel[/name_f] but my husband isn’t crazy about it and I wonder if she will consistently get mistaken for [name_f]Laura[/name_f].
I like all of those names! I don’t think [name_u]Winter[/name_u] is too out there. More people have been using it lately. If you love [name_f]Violet[/name_f] enough, then maybe you can accept its popularity. I mean, it’s not as popular as [name_f]Emma[/name_f] or [name_f]Mia[/name_f], for example. And I really like [name_u]Linden[/name_u]. If you like it, then I don’t think it should matter that some other people will potentially have a problem with it. It’s close to [name_u]London[/name_u], it has a feminine nickname ([name_f]Linny[/name_f]), it has a connection to nature, and I doubt anyone would say anything bad about it if your daughter actually had that name. As for [name_f]Laurel[/name_f], it is possible that people will think her name is [name_f]Laura[/name_f], but I think more people are becoming aware of that name too.
I love [name_u]Winter[/name_u]! I think it’s becoming more mainstream. And the nn [name_f]Winnie[/name_f] definitely brings it mainstream. We have friends [name_f]Laurel[/name_f] and [name_f]Lauren[/name_f] and everyone is always mistaking them. It would happen with any name, but I do believe people default to whatever familiar name when they hear a similiar name the first time. [name_u]Winter[/name_u] on the other hand, will likely never have people misspelling her name or mispronouncing it!
[name_u]Winter[/name_u]'s not too out there at all, and actually fits nicely with [name_u]Hudson[/name_u] and [name_u]Everett[/name_u] imo.
Thank you for the feedback. I am feeling more comfortable with [name_u]Winter[/name_u]. I love it and the nickname [name_f]Winnie[/name_f]. I am just second guessing myself.
I adore [name_u]Winter[/name_u]. I think it goes with the siblings, and it doesn’t seem out there for me at all!
[name_u]Winter[/name_u]…absolutely lovely!
I love [name_f]Laurel[/name_f]! [name_u]Winter[/name_u] is a bit much for me.
First thing I thought was how nicely [name_u]Winter[/name_u] went with sibling’s names! I agree that it’s not too out there. It is one of my name crushes, so maybe I’m biased!
I love the sound of [name_u]Hudson[/name_u], [name_u]Everett[/name_u] and [name_u]Winter[/name_u].
[name_u]Winter[/name_u] is a lovely name, not too out there at all. [name_u]Hudson[/name_u], [name_u]Everett[/name_u] and [name_u]Winter[/name_u] are all modern, unisex names with a down-to-earth, approachable vibe and go well together.