I’ve always been short and plump so I need a hard everyday sports routine not to become totally round. The problem is that my climbing instructor gave me a long vacation when I told him I’m pregnant again, my krav maga instructor did the same. Now I’m only jogging and making some pilates. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you train while pregnant? What sports are good for you? Did the training helped giving birth? Please, share your experience
Good question! I go to the gym about three or four times a week. Normally I run pretty hard on the treadmill, but I’ll be cutting that out for now. I’m intending to just walk briskly on the treadmill and use the stationery bicycle. Maybe some pilates or yoga. I’m sure training and staying in good shape will help in the later stages of pregnancy as long as you don’t push yourself too hard.
I run in the park every morning, and I do yoga for about 90-120 minutes. And swimming can’t be recommended highly enough, it’s delightfully easy and soothing.
I am currently running 13 miles a week, but it is getting harder and harder. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep it up. I’m going to be looking for other activities in a few weeks if I can’t keep up with my running. Can’t wait to read all the suggestions
When I asked my doctor about it she said I could do any physical exercise that was comfortable, but that my body would let me know when I needed to cut back. I ran until it hurt my hips too much to do so anymore (or rather, until my husband convinced me to stop going because he was tired of having to console me for days afterward due to the intense pain). I did a lot of spinning until I couldn’t reach the handlebars. Shortly after that I was having too many strong contractions so I was put on modified bed rest for the last 2 months of my pregnancy so obviously working out was out of the question.
However I have friends who are incredible athletes (and carrying singletons as opposed to my twins) who were able to run and climb (using a special harness) through out most of their pregnancies. I am fairly certain one of them went on a long run the day her daughter was born, but before her pregnancies she was an ultra runner. It really depends on your own body.
Good luck!