Worried About Pronunciation

My husband and I love the name [name]Elin[/name] (ee-lynn), but are concerned that it would often be mispronounced as [name]Ellen[/name] (not to mention it may also be associated with [name]Tiger[/name] Woods as it is his ex-wife’s name…). Any comments or ideas on alternate spellings/similar names?

I did think of some suggestions:

  • You could try spelling the name Ealin.

  • You could try a spelling that differentiates it more from ‘[name]Ellen[/name]’…ie; Elinne, Elynn, etc.

  • You could just accept the fact that some people may mispronounce it at first & that you (and eventually your daughter) will have to correct them.


I think more people have become aware of how to pronounce [name]Elin[/name] because of the drama with [name]Tiger[/name] Woods.

I agree that most people will know how to pronounce this name by now because of the former [name]Elin[/name] Woods. I think it’s a pretty name and [name]Tiger[/name]'s ex-wife is not a bad association, seeing as she had a lot of class throughout her entire personal ordeal.

[name]Elin[/name] is a beautiful Swedish name and I wouldn’t change the spelling or worry about the pronunciation. By now, most people are aware of the pronunciation due to the [name]Tiger[/name] Woods episode. And if you happen to meet someone who incorrectly pronounces it as [name]Ellen[/name], just politely correct them and they’ll get the hang of it soon enough. All the best!

Go for [name]Elin[/name]! People will learn to pronounce this, its very intuitive.

I would disagree with the idea that most people will know how to pronounce [name]Elin[/name] because of [name]Tiger[/name] Woods’ wife. I think you’ll have to do a lot of very patient correcting when it comes to spelling/pronunciation, so I’d be prepared for that.

[name]Don[/name]'t change the spelling. People will mispronounce it but it will be easy to correct and it’s only four letters so it won’t be a hassle to spell out.

I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Elin[/name], and love this spelling. I think it is best to stay true to the spelling, and I really feel most people will know how to pronounce it. Gorgeous.