I love the names [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]June[/name] “[name]Cora[/name]” and [name]Eloise[/name] [name]Fiona[/name] “[name]Elsie[/name]” but I’m worried they would constanty be mistaken for [name]Cara[/name], [name]Keira[/name], [name]Elise[/name], [name]Chelsea[/name], etc. Thoughts?
well, I’m sure they could be! but really any name can be mistaken for something else… my name is [name]Alexis[/name] and I constantly get called [name]Alex[/name] and [name]Alexa[/name] for some reason. So I don’t think it’s a reason not to use those names.
I don’t think you will run into these problems. These names are becomming more familiar.
I love your combo. While [name]Cora[/name] and [name]Elsie[/name] work as nn for other names, they would probably have to occasionally clarify that they are short for [name]Cordelia[/name] and [name]Eloise[/name], but this shouldn’t be a big problem and this is something you would encounter with many different nns regardless of the full name. I say go for it.
I think almost any name has this problem. My husband, named [name]Brendan[/name], often gets called [name]Brandon[/name] or [name]Brennan[/name]. Being a [name]Diana[/name], I am sometimes called [name]Diane[/name] or [name]Deanna[/name] instead…
I don’t think you’ll have a problem with [name]Cora[/name]. [name]Elsie[/name] may get mistaken a lot…my friend has a 2 year old with this name and she gets called [name]Elise[/name] 90% of the time. It used to really bother my friend, but she has gotten used to it. Fortunately most people don’t make the same mistake again after they are corrected, although there will always be a few people who can’t grasp the correct name!
I actually know two sisters named [name]Cora[/name] and [name]Elsie[/name]. So weird haha.