Is it just me or does [name_f]Fawn[/name_f] sound like a cute middle name?
I think I knew one girl named [name_f]Fawn[/name_f] when I was growing up. But she was in a different grade and class – which means I didn’t know her as well! She was good friends with one of my now best guy friends, so she must’ve been a nice person.
And yes, it was her first name. I don’t know if I’m that brave to use it as a first.
Also, do you have any suggestions for a full name that could lead to “[name_f]Fawn[/name_f]” as a nickname?
I love [name_f]Fawn[/name_f]! I think it’s very pretty, especially with all the nature names being very popular I see it working as a first or middle. If [name_u]Wren[/name_u] is so usable why not [name_f]Fawn[/name_f]?
I think it’s possibly as usable as [name_u]Wren[/name_u], [name_u]Rue[/name_u] and [name_f]Lark[/name_f], but not at all as usable as [name_u]Rowan[/name_u], [name_f]Ivy[/name_f] or [name_u]Sage[/name_u].
It will be an offbeat choice but one that works, sort of, perhaps only as a middle name.
What I don’t like about [name_f]Fawn[/name_f] is the second meaning, “to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor” (from
Or maybe just go with [name_f]Fern[/name_f]? Ferns are trendy
I really like [name_f]Fawn[/name_f] or even [name_f]Fauna[/name_f].
I also like PPs’ suggestions of
[name_f]Fern[/name_f]- [name_f]Kinda[/name_f] a Guilty pleasure name for me
[name_f]Florence[/name_f]/[name_f]Flora[/name_f] - As an alternative to [name_f]Fauna[/name_f], but a sister would be too matchy.
To answer your Question [name_f]Fawn[/name_f] is totally usable in both the first and middle name spot.
Good [name_m]Luck[/name_m]!
I am going to go against the crowd here and say that I don’t think it’s usable. [name_f]Fauna[/name_f]? Absolutely usable. [name_f]Fawn[/name_f] sounds a bit like a stripper name to me, and I hate the second definition that a previous poster pointed out.
I met a young woman (I say young but she was a few years older than me) last week named Nature and she wore it well, so [name_f]Fawn[/name_f] seems tame in comparison. I’d leave it more for a middle simply because it feels a little too… weak? passive? I’m not sure what word I’m looking for but it doesn’t feel substantial enough for me as a first name. I wouldn’t think negatively of anyone with that first name though, just not one I would personally use