Would it be okay to have siblings named [name]Jane[/name] and [name]John[/name]? [name]Even[/name] if their siblings do not have names that are one syllable or start with a J or end with an n? [name]Just[/name] wondering because [name]Jane[/name] and [name]John[/name] are my two favorite names and have been for a while. My mom thinks it’s fine, but she doesn’t think sibling-name-compatibility matters. Thoughts?
I think they’re a bit too similar, sorry. [name]Jane[/name] and [name]John[/name] sound quite similar to each other, and lovely as they both are separately, they both come from the Hebrew Yochanan, so, to me, they’re essentially the same name. Something like [name]Jack[/name] and [name]Giovanna[/name] would be too close for me, and they’re both names that come from Yochanan that feel completely different–[name]John[/name] and [name]Jane[/name] are both classic, start and end the same, and have a separate (but sort of similar), long vowel sound. I think they would be really easy to confuse, sorry! I think something like [name]Jane[/name] and [name]Jack[/name] would work even better than [name]Jane[/name] and [name]John[/name]… or maybe [name]John[/name] nn [name]Jack[/name], and [name]Jane[/name]?
I don’t personally like sibling names that start with the same letter, but that’s just me. If you don’t mind it and love the names then go for it!
No. Not only are they both one-syllable names with the same consonant sounds, but as [name]Ashley[/name] said, [name]Jane[/name] is a feminization of [name]John[/name]- they’re essentially the same name! It would be like having [name]Michael[/name] and [name]Michaela[/name] or [name]George[/name] and [name]Georgia[/name]. Choose one and use the other as a middle.
I wouldn’t do it, sorry:( I think they are too similar.
Ha! Totally opposite views on this thread in the Girls’ Name forum:
I don’t think it works. [name]Jane[/name] and [name]John[/name] [name]Doe[/name] is all I think of. I don’t really care about sibling compatibility too much, but this is a little much for me. [name]How[/name] about use one as a first and the other as a middle? Or [name]Johnathan[/name] and [name]Jane[/name]?