Would love opinions on my top 2

[name]Hi[/name]! I’ve created posts a few times before and your responses have really helped. I think I’m down to my top 2 choices for our 3rd son and I would really love nudges toward one direction or the other!
Our two sons are [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Walter[/name] (who we call [name]Walt[/name] mainly, sometimes Walty).

And I’m considering either:

  1. [name]Peter[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] (with nickname [name]Pierce[/name])
    (these are his 2 grandfathers’ names)
  2. [name]Arthur[/name] C____
    ([name]Arthur[/name] is his great-grandfather’s name and the middle name is a 2 syllable family last name, sounds something like [name]Conley[/name])

My problem: I probably slightly prefer [name]Arthur[/name] and I personally feel like [name]Arthur[/name] goes really well in style/genre with our other boys’ names. But I think [name]Pierce[/name] flows better in sound with our other boys’ names. I worry that [name]Walter[/name]/[name]Arthur[/name] and [name]Walt[/name]/[name]Art[/name] are possibly too similar. So that is the main issue in my head. Also, I know [name]Pierce[/name] is a bit of a stretch for a nn for [name]Peter[/name]. ([name]Thomas[/name] [name]Peter[/name], while I love it, is not an option since I do want him to have a fully different nickname from either grandfather.)

So I ask: Which one do you prefer and why? Thanks so much!

What a dilemma for you - [name]Peter[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] or [name]Arthur[/name] C------? You have [name]Peter[/name] and [name]Walter[/name] with the same “er” ending and you have [name]Walter[/name] and [name]Arthur[/name] which are a little similar in sound too! I like both names but I’m going to have to go with [name]Arthur[/name]. I have to agree with you that it just really “sounds” like a sibling for brothers named [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Walter[/name]. [name]Walt[/name] and [name]Art[/name] aren’t too bad in my opinion. Another option is [name]Artie[/name]. I think [name]Pierce[/name] may be a bit of a stretch for [name]Peter[/name]'s nn.

Thanks for your response! You’re right, I hadn’t even thought of [name]Peter[/name] and [name]Walter[/name] having the same -er ending too. I was just thinking about the nn [name]Pierce[/name]. It is a stretch as a nn for [name]Peter[/name], I know, but it is the middle English version of [name]Peter[/name] so it’s not completely from nowhere. Really appreciate the reply!

I personally like [name]Peter[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] better, but that’s just my preference. You could really go either way!

Thanks for the opinion! Would really love more input… Thanks!

I also prefer [name]Arthur[/name], I think it flows better with the other two name. [name]Peter[/name] and [name]Pierce[/name] feel a little too light in comparison to [name]Walter[/name] and [name]Henry[/name] to me; I’m not sure if that even makes any sense, LOL.

I think [name]Pierce[/name] (since this is what [name]Peter[/name] will primarily be called?) doesn’t fit with [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Walt[/name] as well as [name]Arthur[/name]. However, I see your dilemma because [name]Walt[/name] and [name]Art[/name] are a little similar and together seem abrupt next to brother [name]Henry[/name]. I think I like [name]Arthur[/name] best.

Right, [name]Walt[/name] and [name]Art[/name] do seem a little abrupt next to [name]Henry[/name], I agree. I’m not sure yet whether this kid would get called [name]Arthur[/name] or [name]Art[/name] more (or [name]Artie[/name] I guess). We were a little surprised that we ended up not really using a nn for [name]Henry[/name]. Does it seem weird to generally shorten [name]Walter[/name] but not [name]Arthur[/name]? Hopefully I’m just slightly over-thinking all of this!

This post is actually hard for me to reply to because I have a [name]Henry[/name] and desperately wanted to name his little brother [name]Walter[/name] but was overruled. This is painful!! :slight_smile: I love both [name]Peter[/name] and [name]Arthur[/name] with your other names. I give the edge to [name]Arthur[/name] and probably would just call him [name]Arthur[/name]. Like you, we don’t really use a nickname for [name]Henry[/name]. Good luck!!

I love the name [name]Peter[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]! It’s so classic :slight_smile:

[name]Arthur[/name] is my favorite for you too. [name]Pierce[/name] doesn’t really fit with the others in my opinion. [name]Even[/name] if you do call him [name]Art[/name], I don’t think people will think siblings named [name]Walt[/name] and [name]Art[/name] are weird. Good luck!

Thanks so much for your replies! It’s hard to know how much you should weigh in names “going” with sibling names. As a mother, I think I have an inflated view of how important this aspect of things is. But I like [name]Arthur[/name] regardless, especially since it’s a family name (my other two boys’ names weren’t but people always asked).

I would choose [name]Arthur[/name]! Besides being a super cool name, it just seems to fit better with his brothers than [name]Pierce[/name] does. Good luck!