My friend and I came up with a combo [name]Robert[/name] [name]Eugene[/name] [name]Augustus[/name] (yes it’s a big stuffy name but it’s really just for fun) but paired with her last name the initials would be [name]READ[/name]. If she were to ever use it do you think [name]READ[/name] would get made fun of?
Why would it be made fun of? [name]How[/name] many times do people really use their initials? Not often, except for maybe monogrammed stuff. Plus it’s not like it’s a mean word or even one that is likely to be made fun of. There are boys named [name]Reed[/name]… would you make fun of him? Now if it were PIG or DUMB something like that, yes I could see him being made fun of, but [name]READ[/name] not at all.
I think the initials [name]READ[/name] are actually really cool! I doubt many people would notice, and if they did they wouldn’t make a big thing of it. “[name]Read[/name]” isn’t a negative word at all, in fact, I think it’s neutral to positive.
Ditto. Honestly, most people almost never go by all three initials. If I ever had to use my initials as a kid, it was always just my first and last initials, never middle. I think you’re looking too much into it.
I agree with everyone else. It’s silly to worry so much about initials unless they are A.S.S… I would avoid swear/naughty words, but [name]READ[/name] is perfectly fine.
I think it’s a little silly to worry but I guess after looking on name boards for so long you start scrutinizing everything.