Would this be horrible?

Earlier, I was discussing drawing names from fictional characters that exemplify attributes that we admire with a friend of mine. I was thinking about it. And a fictional character that I admire greatly and would love to have a son half as kind, excited by life, and brave as would be the [name]Doctor[/name]. Since the [name]Doctor[/name] doesn’t have a proper name, I was wondering if [name]Doctor[/name] would be a horrific middle name.

The [name]Doctor[/name] is such a fantastic character, and [name]Doctor[/name] Who is such a quality show that has my lifelong admiration, and I would adore his middle name, but it would definitely be hard to pair with a first and I’m worried that it’s utterly ridiculous.

Hmm, [name]Doctor[/name] is interesting, I’ve never seen it on a child, but I see how it’s cute! If his name was [name]Levi[/name] [name]Doctor[/name] or [name]Leo[/name] [name]Doctor[/name], that is so adorable! It’s just, it may seem as if you really want your child to become a doctor, and imagine if little [name]Levi[/name] [name]Doctor[/name] [name]Jones[/name] became a doctor, then it would be [name]Doctor[/name] [name]Levi[/name] [name]Doctor[/name] [name]Jones[/name]!! That’s kind of funny actually!!

I do think it would be horrible, but I am not one for middle name choices such as “[name]Danger[/name]” or “Trouble”, and I don’t think [name]Doctor[/name] is much better, to be honest.
I’d find it embarrassing to write it on forms or tell people my middle name, if it were me.
What about a name that means “doctor”? [name]Asa[/name] means “doctor” in Hebrew, [name]Luke[/name] is the name of the Patron [name]Saint[/name] of Doctors… maybe use the name of your favourite [name]Doctor[/name] actor? Or Tardis?

I like the suggestions of the poster above. Use an actor’s name, or another word for [name]Doctor[/name]- [name]Doctor[/name] as a middle name seems like forcing a profession on your child, and plays more homage to the job than to the character. I understand you’d want to reference the character specifically, which is why I like the idea of a translation of [name]Doctor[/name] ([name]Asa[/name] or [name]Luke[/name] are both great) or an actor’s name- but then again, [name]Doctor[/name] isn’t the worst middle name in the world. It just doesn’t pass the test of ‘would I want this name myself’ for me.

Yes it would be horrible. Some “occupation” names simply don’t have what it takes to make the leap to acceptable first names. [name]Doctor[/name] is one of them,along with [name]Butcher[/name],[name]Baker[/name] (there’s a children’s rhyme in there somewhere lol).

As much as I like the idea of [name]Leo[/name] [name]Doctor[/name], the idea is starting to lose some of its charm. Not all of it, lol, but some.

My problem with using the names of the actors that I’m attached to is that I have cousins with those names, two of which are bad role models for children, and one that died young. (in my family, tragedy puts a name off limits because no one deals with their emotions.)

So my newer question is if using the last names of the actors is ridiculous? Eccleston, Tennant, and [name]Smith[/name] in particular would be ones that I’d consider.

I’d still appreciate more comments on the original question though, lol.

My concern about using [name]Doctor[/name] anywhere in a name is that it could be confusing on forms. Also it would be kind of ridiculous if the kid ended up actually becoming a doctor.

[name]Smith[/name] could be for both [name]Matt[/name] [name]Smith[/name] and [name]John[/name] [name]Smith[/name], the [name]Doctor[/name]'s alias. In the old series he was sometimes called [name]Theta[/name] Sigma–maybe [name]Theta[/name] as a middle name? Or how about Stormageddon? Bad [name]Penny[/name]?

[name]Doctor[/name] Who is a great show, but not so great for name inspiration unfortunately!

Like imogen said, I would suggest you go for [name]Smith[/name], or perhaps [name]John[/name]. Or perhaps you could use a trait that you admire most about the character and find a name with a similar meaning. I love [name]Doctor[/name] Who, but to actually name your kid [name]Doctor[/name] (even in the middle) is a bit much for me. And what if your son doesn’t like [name]Doctor[/name] Who? That would be awkward.

I think [name]Doctor[/name] might get confusing when he would be a kid because his friends would ask if he was an actual doctor and he wouldn’t enjoy going through that close to everyday. I would go for [name]John[/name] for [name]John[/name] [name]Smith[/name] and as [name]David[/name] Tennant’s middle name. Or maybe, [name]Rory[/name] or [name]David[/name]? Seriously, as much as I love [name]Doctor[/name] Who, [name]Doctor[/name] is a horrible name.

I think the name [name]Doctor[/name] is an excelent example of a name rich with meaning and love that belongs in the middle spot. I think it would be confusing for a first name. Occupational names - the popular/used ones - tend to be of professions not commonly spoken about these days. When is the last time you discussed when your local [name]Mason[/name] could stop by? But your [name]Doctor[/name] is a much more commonly spoken name/word. I think you have a very valid and lovely reason for naming a son [name]Doctor[/name], but because of practical reasons I would reserve [name]Doctor[/name] for the middle name. You could also always go with your favorite [name]Doctor[/name]'s actor’s name. [name]David[/name] perhaps?

[name]Alexander[/name] [name]Doctor[/name] [name]Smith[/name]
[name]Kieran[/name] [name]Doctor[/name] [name]Daniels[/name]
[name]Frederick[/name] [name]Doctor[/name] Holbrook

I would use [name]David[/name] Tennant’s name. [name]Doctor[/name] is a profession and you don’t want your kid ending up being a doctor and then having the issue of “[name]Doctor[/name] [name]John[/name] [name]Doctor[/name]…” Sure it wouldn’t be said much, but the thought would just sound silly

As much as I love [name]Doctor[/name] Who, I wouldn’t recommend using [name]Doctor[/name] as a name.