I think the best thing to do is imagine that your name is [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] and think about whether that would work on you. Or do the Starbucks test - go buy a coffee and use the name ‘[name_u]Dexter[/name_u]’ when you order and try it on.
I say no and doubt if your daughter would enjoy having [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] as her name. There are so many lovely choices out there that I would keep looking. I don’t mind unisex names but [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] has a somewhat harsh sound and is very masculine. I do like it for a boy.
I’d also say no to [name_u]Dexter[/name_u]. Sorry.
I agree with @tfzolghadr regarding boys names on girls, but not girls names on boys, as a bit misogynistic. But also, I don’t really like [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] on any gender.
I do love [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] however for a boy. I think it could work on a girl but not loving it. The first name I thought of was [name_u]Carter[/name_u] which I think would work on a girl better. I think it works too :).
What about… [name_u]Mason[/name_u], [name_u]Drew[/name_u], [name_u]Dylan[/name_u] or [name_u]Hunter[/name_u]?
I usually quite like unisex names but there is something about the name [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] that is very masculine. I think its the harsh “xt” sound.
Sorry [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] is just so masculine, especially with ties to [name_u]Dexter[/name_u]'s laboratory and [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] the tv show (a serial killer) it just seems way out of bounds for a girl’s name. Maybe you would like [name_f]Dextra[/name_f]. Much more feminine without all the baggage.
I agree, [name_u]Dexter[/name_u] is ultra masculin, sorry. [name_f]Dextra[/name_f] was a great suggestion. It’s a little more feminine, and is very clearly related to [name_u]Dexter[/name_u]. Hadn’t heard it before, it surprised me!
It is too masculine for me. (I also find it a little too funky on a boy. I think of Poindexter.) I think [name_u]Lennox[/name_u] could work as a unisex option with similar sounds. I also like [name_f]Maxine[/name_f] if you are looking for X names.
[name_u]Dexter[/name_u] has a fun, spunky sound that in theory could work for a girl but in practice is too associated with masculinity.
I have liked all of the other suggestions for girl alternatives to [name_u]Dexter[/name_u], but here are my own that might work for you …
[name_u]Kirby[/name_u] (there is a recent thread on this name)
[name_f]Roxie[/name_f] or [name_f]Roxy[/name_f]