I like the name [name_f]Elowen[/name_f], I think it’s soft and melodic.
I pronounce it like “ell-oh-wen” the beginning is same way I pronounce [name_u]Eloise[/name_u]. Nn could be Elo .
But I strongly dislike the male name [name_u]Owen[/name_u].
Would you use a name that has a name you dislike within it? Is that weird or am I overthinking it?
Of course!
[name_f]Elowen[/name_f] is a beautiful name! I don’t see how [name_u]Owen[/name_u] comes into it- it’s not like people will be nicknaming her that since it’s a boy’s name. Go for it.
Maybe I’m just getting confused by how you’ve spelled it out, but [name_f]Elowen[/name_f] is traditionally pronounced el-OH-wen/eh-LOW-en- like [name_u]Owen[/name_u] with the “el” sound at the front, emphasis on the second syllable. [name_u]Eloise[/name_u] is [name_f]EL[/name_f]-oh-eese with the emphasis on the first syllable?
[name_f]Elowen[/name_f] is stunning! I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m not wild about [name_u]Owen[/name_u] either, but I adore [name_f]Elowen[/name_f] because of how complete and melodic it feels. (Although oddly enough I love [name_u]Rowan[/name_u]/[name_u]Rowen[/name_u] while not loving [name_u]Owen[/name_u]. Name preferences are weird and inconsistent sometimes, and that’s okay!)
I think it’s fine. I don’t like [name_u]Owen[/name_u] but like [name_f]Elowen[/name_f], with the [name_f]Ell[/name_f]-oh-wen pronunciation, [name_u]Owen[/name_u] isn’t prominent. [name_f]Elowen[/name_f] is a gorgeous, magical name.
You’re overthinking it
I do pronounce it more like [name_f]El[/name_f]-OH-wen though, but I still see them as completely different names.
You’re overthinking it; it’s not weird at all. Sometimes the right mixture of sounds just work out.
Totally fine. They’re two different names. I adore [name_f]Elowen[/name_f] as well.
Thank you for all the feedback!
Seeing rowen was helpful, because I never realized it also had [name_u]Owen[/name_u] in it!
I’m moving elowen to the first name list for this baby! Thanks for your help!
Totally agree with everyone else! Didn’t see the connection until you mentioned it!
Good luck!
i think you’re over thinking it. They are truly completely different names, and I don’t think even share an origin. I also love [name_f]Elowen[/name_f] but am not fond of [name_u]Owen[/name_u].
It’s interesting- I’ve debated the same thing. I dislike [name_u]Owen[/name_u], but [name_f]Elowen[/name_f] is one of my favorite names. I’m planning to use it for one of my twins that are arriving soon. [name_f]Elowen[/name_f] is gorgeous- it isn’t popular, but it’s familiar enough too. It has a very nice flow, and overall I just really like it.
Yep. Although they look similar, I don’t pronounce them alike at all. I say [name_f]Elowen[/name_f] like el-o-[name_u]WIN[/name_u] and [name_u]Owen[/name_u] like OH-win.
Saying all of this, it’s personal preference. I can get past the fact a name I like has a name I hate in it, it’s up to you whether or not this bothers you.