[name]Hi[/name] there, berries -
I’ve posted this in the Writing section but got no responses, so I thought I’d move this here. You’ve all been so helpful in the past, so I thought I’d enlist your help in this unique request. I’m a budding author, and I love to write, and my goal is to one day write a book that wins some sort of honor or medal. However, I hate my name. My parents decided to be “progressive,” so I have a hyphenated last name, which is entirely cumbersome. It’s mostly unpronounceable, and it starts with Sh.
My first name is [name]Bailey[/name], which is okay, but I want it to be clear that I’m a girl. And my middle name is [name]Suzanna[/name], if anyone cares. I’ve been using [name]Bailey[/name] Suze as my whole name for a while now, and while I like it, I think I want something a bit more exotic as my pen name.
My genre is young-adult-fiction, but not like [name]Suzanne[/name] [name]Collins[/name]. More like [name]John[/name] [name]Green[/name]. (HUGE [name]John[/name] [name]Green[/name] fan right here. Anyone?) I want something clearly feminine, and something you’ll remember. [name]One[/name] of my biggest pet peeves is when people add a lot of gratuitous ys to their names, so you get pen names like my friend’s, [name]Onyx[/name] Safyre, which is fine, but for whatever reason that just really bothers me.
Right now I’m really liking the idea of an A name, so:
[name]Antoinette[/name] (I keep coming back to [name]Antoinette[/name]. [name]Do[/name] you guys like it?)
[name]Aliza[/name] (it’s a family name)
Some other things that inspire my writing are music and colors, so maybe some sort of something based on that?
As for a last name, I’ve been using [name]Fabian[/name] as a placeholder, but I’m very much open to suggestions. Something that sounds like a name, but doesn’t have to be too common. I’ve also been considering [name]Sparrow[/name], [name]Day[/name], and Marks, which is a family name.