Wyn or Wynn

It’s my newest crush and I’m debating between these two different spellings. It wont be a nickname for anything, just [name]Wynn[/name]/[name]Wyn[/name].

I think I’m leaning towards [name]Wynn[/name] as it looks more complete but I thought I’d ask for everyones opinions!

Thanks in advance.

As a given name, I prefer the spelling [name]Wynne[/name].

I prefer [name]Wynn[/name] because, as you said it looks more complete.

I prefer [name]Wynn[/name]. It’s a family surname for me, and that’s the only spelling that looks right to me.

I just think of [name]Wynn[/name] as the pronunciation of the common Vietnamese surname [name]Nguyen[/name].

I am liking [name]Wynn[/name]. However, never seen it that way, and always loved [name]Wyn[/name]. Hmm…
Short for anything? Wynthrop?

I like [name]Wynn[/name] much better than [name]Wyn[/name]. I feel like it gives it the weight to be a complete name.

You could also use [name]Wynn[/name]/[name]Win[/name] as a nickname for [name]Edwin[/name], [name]Winston[/name], [name]Wynton[/name] or for girls [name]Winifred[/name], [name]Winter[/name], or Ellowyn, etc.

I like [name]Wynn[/name]. I really like one syllable names, but hate them all with my one syllable last name. :slight_smile: