See the results of this poll: Unbreakable patterns for future names?
Respondents: 4 (This poll is closed)
- Y must; 3, 2, 1 must : 0 (0%)
- Y must; 3, 2, 1 optional : 0 (0%)
- Y optional; 3, 2, 1 optional : 4 (100%)
- Y optional; 3, 2, 1 must: 0 (0%)
Respondents: 4 (This poll is closed)
None of these things are ever a “must”. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if you had [name_f]Lily[/name_f], [name_u]Luca[/name_u], [name_f]Lola[/name_f] and [name_m]Luis[/name_m], there’s no law which states that your next child must also have a 2-syllable, 4-letter name starting with L-.
I think parents often completely overthink things like this. I don’t think the similar ending of your two chldren’s middle names or the coincidental syllable pattern would occur to anyone else - honestly. You should just pick the name you love best for your daughter and any future children, regardless of any “rules” you’ve inadvertently created, unless you actively want to stick to a pattern. Some parents do, and that’s fine, other’s end up with all A’s or all 5-letters or something entirely by accident, and that’s fine too.