Thanks to @river_dweller for reminding me of this lovely botanical name 
I think I slightly prefer it for a boy but I love that it’s a soft, gender neutral sounding name with a kind of quiet, calm energy about it.
What do you think of [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u]? Boy, girl, or totally unisex?
I love [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u]! It’s totally unisex to me, and very cute on either

I can see it slightly more on a boy because of the ‘arrow’ part but honestly I think it would be lovely on either. It would be a nice alternative to [name_u]Willow[/name_u] on a girl. 
Love [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u]! For a boy, though could work for a girl too.
I love it! I definitely prefer it on a boy!
Are y’all pronouncing it [name_m]Yair[/name_m]-owe (like arrow with a Y) or Yar-owe (Yar rhyming with car)?
I associate yarrow with Granny Weatherwax‘s cottage on the Discworld MUD so even though it’s gender neutral, it feels femme to me.
I’d say it to rhyme with [name_u]Arrow[/name_u] (AH rather than AIR for the first syllable in my accent, but I get what you mean
It sounds nicer with your accent anyway imo! 

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Love [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u]! It definitely feels more masculine to me, not sure why, maybe because it sounds like arrow and Harrow? The girls have enough flower names of their own anyways 
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[name_u]Love[/name_u], love [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u] 
I think it’s completely unisex, I wouldn’t have an expectation either way. It feels like it would either be a soft, gentle masculine name or a loud and exuberant feminine name. I pronounce it yarr-oh like yard and I slightly prefer it on a boy for personal use (partly because it’s a rare opportunity for a boy with a flower name)
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Oooh I’m liking this a lot! It’s definitely unisex, but I prefer it for a boy. I think I found my new favorite boy name for the letter Y 
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I think it’s very nice! I definitely see it on a boy at first, but I think it could work for a girl too.
Love it! I’ve been thinking about it lately as well. It definitely leans boy to me.
I definitely could see it on either a boy or girl!
As a personal preference I really enjoy girl names that don’t end in “a”, though there is the option of [name_f]Yara[/name_f].
Overall, [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u] is a unique name, and feels very fresh!
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Unisex leaning masculine to me. I like it a lot!
I love it! Definitely unisex but I wouldn’t mind it on a girl it reminds me of a popular name used for girls in my culture: Yared! I think it’s beautiful, definitely an underrated botanical name
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I like [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u]!
My husband is Czech and loves the name Jaromir (as in Jagr, of course) - pronounced, [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u]-meer. I think the short form would be [name_m]Jaro[/name_m] (or a myriad of other possibilities). I also know little a little [name_f]Jara[/name_f] (pronounced Yarra, short for Jaroslava).
That’s all to say that [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u] would now lean masculine to me because of those associations, but I could easily see it on a boy or girl!
Yarrow is great. I prefer it on a boy, but I can see it working on either. I hadn’t really thought much on it before, but it kept popping up throughout the day on my feed and I find myself falling for it.
@katinka Your description is excellent.
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I can’t like it because of similarity with a curse word in my native language
, but I can see the appeal. Sounds totally unisex to me, maybe because of sound-alikes [name_f]Yara[/name_f] and [name_u]Arrow[/name_u]?
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