Yay or nay for...

Alsou [name_f]Valentina[/name_f]? (Pronunciations for Алсу (from аксыл-алсу to Синдәй хатын-кызлар булудадыр бу дөньяның яме һәм нуры. [Алсу Нәҗми]))

I find Alsou intriguing! I sort of like it. Like a mix between [name_f]Alice[/name_f] and [name_f]Lilou[/name_f]! But Russian. :slight_smile: I think [name_f]Valentina[/name_f] pairs really well with it, and I would be happy to meet a little Alsou. Yay from me!

Yay! Very pretty and exotic sounding

Whoa! Very cool!