I have been practicing yoga to get ready for TTC for about a year and a half and it’s done wonders for my mental health.
I should say that I have been also medicated during that time for depression and anxiety (I have a form of bipolar depression) and am now off of it because the medications I took are not compatible with pregnancy.
As of this my yoga practice is more important than ever and I am worried about not having the energy for it during pregnancy and time for it once I become a mother.
Any yogis out there with stories on how they were able to keep up their practice during these times?
I know that the main thing is that I will have to simply prioritize it but as of now I don’t have much of a home practice as it’s easy for me to attend classes almost every day.
I would love to hear if any of you busy moms use any online resources/classes to practice at home? And was if you were able to keep it up in pregnancy despite morning sickness and exhaustion?