You think Lydia will be okay?

I’m wanting to write a fanfiction, about Pretty [name]Little[/name] Liars and it’s going to be AU (Alt Universe) and I’m thinking I want to name my character who I’m introducing as either [name]Toby[/name]'s little sisters, [name]Lydia[/name]

I like it :slight_smile:
[name]Toby[/name] and [name]Lydia[/name] go very well together, as neither are very popular of late and are both dated (in my opinion) :smiley:
good luck!

Thanks! ;D!

[name]Love[/name], love, love [name]Lydia[/name]!!

I don’t know anything about ‘Pretty [name]Little[/name] Liars’, but [name]Toby[/name] and [name]Lydia[/name] are a good sibset. I’m not crazy about [name]Toby[/name] (ruined by ‘The Office’) but I love [name]Lydia[/name], I am biased though because it’s my little sister’s name.