Thank you all so much for your replies!
maerad: It would be fantastic if your friends would be comfortable in sharing their anecdotes with me via you, but I understand if they’re not!
lemondrops: Oh, this must be so hard for you! Congratulations though. Once I decided I wanted children, I always still thought that I’d get an abortion if things were not ideal, however now being told that I will more than likely have trouble conceiving naturally, if I fall pregnant, I will be keeping it.
At the moment, I’ve decided to keep my BC in until it’s due to be removed (this time next year) and then just seeing what happens. I believe everything happens for a reason, so if I get pregnant, I get pregnant, if I don’t, I don’t.
I guess I’m worried about it happening at a time not ideal, missing out on things that I wanted to do before children, and the stigma attached to it.
I’m glad that there are other ways to become a mother as well, but I would love to conceive naturally at least once if it’s at all possible.
Good luck! [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to DM me here if you ever want to chat.
splinteredruler: Thank you so much! I always planned on being in an ideal situation before TTC, and while I’ve decided to stay on my BC until it is due to come out (this time next year), and just see what happens (I believe everything happens for a reason), I am worried that I won’t be where I’d ideally like to be. However, I’d love to conceive naturally if it is possible, and my partner and I know that if it happens and we haven’t got our own yet and etc, we will make it work as it is something we really want.
Good luck with your TTC!
medfordkung: Thank you so much! I’ll definitely give it a listen. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
lawsonhaley: Thank you so much, [name_u]Haley[/name_u]! I can’t remember if I knew that the date had been set or not, so apologies if I did - that’s so exciting! I bet the time flies until then!
I guess my biggest concerns with it is not being in my ideal situation, though I know my partner and I will make it work no matter what! And also the judgement. Where I live, teen parents are quite common (three girls I was friends with during school had their children at 17, 18, and 18), and so are young parents, and while it’s more the teen parents that get judged, and I believe no one should judge based on your age, it just makes me anxious to think about people thinking badly of my partner and I (we’re the same age) without knowing our circumstances.
I’m also worried about missing out on things! We’ve altered our [name_u]January[/name_u] holiday plans so that I will have visited most countries I’d like before I get my BC out and we let nature take its course, but I know I’m going to want to travel more and may not get to for a while.
I’m not sure if I still have your email address, but I’ll send you a PM on here or Twitter so I can get it again as I’d love to be able to email someone about it all.