[name]Add[/name] pictures and descriptions of your family if you like.
Use this dice to play - http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/maths/dice/six.htm
Your name is: (First and middle from 128 Gorgeous Autumn Baby Names | Nameberry)
Your husbands name is: (First and middle from 100 Cool Boy Names From Ancient Cultures | Nameberry)
Your bedroom: ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)
1: Bedroom Ideas, Designs, Trends and Inspiration | Ideal Home
2: Bedroom Ideas, Designs, Trends and Inspiration | Ideal Home
3: Bedroom Ideas, Designs, Trends and Inspiration | Ideal Home
4: Bedroom Ideas, Designs, Trends and Inspiration | Ideal Home
5: Bedroom Ideas, Designs, Trends and Inspiration | Ideal Home
6: Bedroom Ideas, Designs, Trends and Inspiration | Ideal Home
Birth [name]One[/name]: ([name]Roll[/name] the dice)
1, 2 or 3: Girl: (First and middle names from 120 Exotic Lite Baby Names | Nameberry )
4, 5 or 6: Boy: (First and middle names from 215 Charming Easter Baby Names | Nameberry )
Girls Room
1 or 2: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romgir/romgirashenv/
3 or 4: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romgir/romgirbohenv/
5 or 6: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romgir/romgirgrcenv/
Boys Room
1 or 2: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romboy/romboyconenv/
3 or 4: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romboy/romboywldenv/
5 or 6: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romboy/romboytlbenv/
Birth Two
1, 2 or 3: Twin Boys: (First and middle names from 102 Mythology Boy Names | Nameberry )
4, 5 or 6: Twin Girls: (First and middle names from 104 Mythology Girl Names | Nameberry )
Girls Room
1 or 2: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romsha/romshatrsenv/
3 or 4: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romsha/romshabrkenv/
5 or 6: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romsha/romshabnkenv/
Boys Room
1 or 2: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romsha/romshapatenv/
3 or 4: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romsha/romshaflcenv/
5 or 6: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romsha/romshafldenv/
Birth Three
1, 2 or 3: Girl/Boy Twins (First and middle names from Day Names for Babies | Nameberry )
4, 5 or 6: Girl Triplets (First and middle names from 146 Names That Mean Beautiful | Nameberry )
Twins Room
1 or 2: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romsha/romshaabcenv/
3 or 4: http://houseofanais.onsugar.com/Searching-twin-kids-room-inspiration-18953643
5 or 6: http://www.ehow.com/how_2224059_decorate-twins-bedroom.html
Triplets Room
1 or 2: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/room/rom/romsha/romshagngenv/
3 or 4: http://www.houzz.com/photos/bedroom/triplets/ls=4
5 or 6: http://indulgy.com/post/lXwLKYuEE1/awesome-bunkbeds
Birth Four
1, 2 or 3: Girl: (First and middle names from https://nameberry.com/list/82/Precious-Names )
4, 5 or 6: Boy: (First and middle names from Rare Place Names | Nameberry )
Girls Room
1 or 2: 18 Adorable Girl Rooms
3 or 4: 18 Adorable Girl Rooms
5 or 6: 18 Adorable Girl Rooms
Boys Room
1 or 2: Modern Kids' Room Makeovers
3 or 4: http://www.channel4.com/4homes/rooms/bedroom/planning-ideas/contemporary-design-ideas-for-boys-bedrooms-08-11-18/display/image/24-Dreams-Boat-p
5 or 6: http://www.channel4.com/4homes/rooms/bedroom/planning-ideas/contemporary-design-ideas-for-boys-bedrooms-08-11-18/display/image/2-Aspace-lg
Birth Five
1, 2 or 3: Twin Boys: (First and middle names from 52 Presidential Baby Names | Nameberry )
4, 5 or 6: Twin Girls: (First and middle names from Princess Names | Nameberry )
Boys Room
1 or 2: http://pinterest.com/pin/66639269457290298/
3 or 4: http://pinterest.com/pin/66639269456943148/
5 or 6: http://pinterest.com/pin/66639269456600901/
Girls Room
1 or 2: http://pinterest.com/pin/66639269457290124/
3 or 4: http://pinterest.com/pin/66639269455904485/
5 or 6: http://pinterest.com/pin/66639269456589856/
Birth Six
1, 2 or 3: Girl: (First and middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry )
4, 5 or 6: Boy: (First and middle names from https://nameberry.com/list/237/Literary-Names-for-Boys )
Girls Room
1 or 2: http://www.channel4.com/4homes/rooms/bedroom/planning-ideas/contemporary-design-ideas-for-girls-bedrooms-08-11-19/display/image/20-Apollo-Blinds-GIRLS-ROMA
3 or 4: http://www.channel4.com/4homes/rooms/bedroom/planning-ideas/contemporary-design-ideas-for-girls-bedrooms-08-11-19/display/image/3-Ikea-TROFAST-p
5 or 6: http://www.channel4.com/4homes/rooms/bedroom/planning-ideas/contemporary-design-ideas-for-girls-bedrooms-08-11-19/display/image/4-Quick-Step-Go-White-Ash-p
Boys Room
1 or 2: http://pinterest.com/pin/168462842282159173/
3 or 4: http://pinterest.com/pin/168462842281376056/
5 or 6: http://pinterest.com/pin/168462842281212331/
Thank you for playing my BNG. If any of the links don’t work then I am sorry and just add your own picture. Please tell me if you liked it and I will make another xx