Your favorite source of new names?

What is your favorite source of new girl’s names or just names in general?

Are there websites (other than Nameberry) that you love to peruse? Books? Cemeteries? Historical records? Playgrounds? Birth announcements? Discuss here!

I’ve pretty much stuck to name nameberry since I found it a few years ago.

I like behindthename a lot. Also, I am always keeping my eyes and ears open for new names when I read, watch TV and movies, and just generally live life. Actually a lot of names I like come from hearing or seeing them used somewhere in the world as opposed to being a name in an online list. I just come here to look them all up after I discover them :slight_smile:

The site in my signature is handy to cross reference your names, I’ve been hearing a lot about

I’m with @gblondie–I go on BNW to look up names just as much as I do Nameberry. I used to go on their name forum, parentsconnect, too, but the forum’s pretty much dead so I just stick to Nameberry for forums for the most part now, haha.

I don’t find new names all that often, I’ve been around name forums long enough that my style pretty much stays solid, but most of the new names I discover I find somewhere on Nameberry. :slight_smile: Or I just hear it out and about, or I meet an adorable little kid with the name. :slight_smile:

The name blogs I frequent most are and , though I suppose is a much more dependable source of names.

I usually stick to national statistic databases or databases from official language normalization academies, especially when I’m looking for names from a specific region or language (which is usually what I’m looking for).
I tend to read through BTN, and then just keep my ears & eyes open in my daily life.