Your honest thoughts on Astrid?

I came across the name in my Norwegian ancestry, and really love the name. However, once I realized its teasing potential, it became totally off limits. I don’t consider it usable as a fn in the English-speaking world. It might work in the middle.

[name]Love[/name] it. If my son’s name wasn’t [name]Sebastian[/name] I’d use it for this new baby. (Too similar sounding with the ast- sounds.)

Wow, thank you all for your responses and sorry for the wait! :slight_smile: It does have a high teasing potential, but as a teenager I think it won’t bother me as much because I’m secure in the knowledge that I love it and walked into any jokes willingly.

@jesba - It is rather unusual, and I can’t say what exactly makes me love it so much. I grew up with a slighty out-there name that was always mispronounced or forgotten, so I suppose the allure of not having a popular or well-known new name is part of that. Bottom line, though, I’ve liked the blend of elegant and “strange” that it offers for years, and it ultimately feels like it could be me.

@erinlw, @trintri, @east93 - For some reason, [name]Ingrid[/name] has never ever been appealing to me. My tastes are a bit backwards apparently :stuck_out_tongue: But thank you for the suggestions!

@ashthedreamer - I love your nn options, thank you!! :smiley: and the HTTYD connection is great - that movie was what made me really sit up and brush the dust off [name]Astrid[/name], because after seeing it in use instead of just imagining it gave me something to grasp on to.

@raqkel - Thank you, I’ve tried it out at Starbucks and it’s stuck :slight_smile:

@bigfaithmomma - you’re absolutely allowed! My parents straddled me with [name]Katrina[/name], which I’ve never really liked for a few reasons. For one, the name didn’t hold any special meaning to them or come with a story, they just heard it somewhere and liked it; as a child, that always bugged me. Another part is that I’m a writer and so basically every K-name just looks wrong to my inner grammarian. And, of course, the infamous hurricane really didn’t help my view on it :stuck_out_tongue:

As always, thank you all for your invaluable contributions :slight_smile:

I personally think that it sounds too much like “Asteroid”. Like her parents were Astronomers or something.

@starcatcher - thanks for your input! My cousin said the same thing, but I (for some inexplicable reason) think it’d actually make a pretty cute pet name from my brother or other family members. The starry night sky/deep space image doesn’t bother me in the slightest :slight_smile: