What songs do you sing to your kiddos? When they’re upset or going to sleep…
Some I like are:
I’ll do anything- Naked Brothers Band
You’ll be in My Heart- [name]Tarzan[/name]
Blackbird- Beatles
Can’t take my Eyes off of You- Four Seasons
I Have a [name]Dream[/name]- [name]ABBA[/name]
Castle On a [name]Cloud[/name]- [name]Les[/name] Mis
L.O.V.E- Forgot the man who sings it.
Frere Jaque
I don’t have any kids yet, so I can’t tell you what their lullabies are. But, I can tell you what my lullaby has always beenIt’s The Lonely [name]Shepherd[/name] played by Zamfir.
the ones I remember most from my daughter are Good [name]King[/name] [name]Wenceslaus[/name] (the tune is amazing! and there are about 4-5 verses so you don’t get too bored), Sailing Sailing and [name]Baby[/name] Beluga.
I’m a musical geek, so most of the songs I sing are from broadway or movies.
“Summertime” from Porgy and [name]Bess[/name]
“Stay Awake” from [name]Mary[/name] Poppins
“Our Children” from Ragtime
“When She Loved Me” from [name]Toy[/name] [name]Story[/name] 2
“Goodnight My Someone” & “[name]Til[/name] There Was You” from The [name]Music[/name] [name]Man[/name]
“Edelweiss” from The Sound of [name]Music[/name]
“Not While I’m Around” from [name]Sweeney[/name] [name]Todd[/name]
“[name]Count[/name] Your Blessings” from White [name]Christmas[/name]
“[name]How[/name] Are Things in Glocca Morra” from [name]Finian[/name]‘s [name]Rainbow[/name]
"Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat [name]Man[/name]" from Show Boat
“It Might As Well Be [name]Spring[/name]” from State Fair
I also sing some traditional English lullabies like
[name]Lavender[/name]'s [name]Blue[/name]
Scottish Lullaby
Hush a bye [name]Baby[/name]
“Que [name]Sera[/name], [name]Sera[/name]” - [name]Doris[/name] [name]Day[/name]
“If you want to [name]Sing[/name] Out, [name]Sing[/name] Out” - [name]Cat[/name] Stevens
“The Boy in the Bubble”- [name]Paul[/name] [name]Simon[/name] (“These are the days of miracle and wonder, and don’t cry baby, don’t cry”)
[name]Rock[/name] a Bye [name]Baby[/name]
Hush [name]Little[/name] [name]Baby[/name]
“I love you, you love me”
“We love our [name]Dashiell[/name], oh yes we do…” (Bye Bye [name]Birdie[/name])
And one that I made up for him. I’m sure I’m forgetting a couple, but he especially loves [name]Rock[/name]-a-bye-baby and the [name]Barney[/name] song.
[name]Moon[/name] [name]River[/name]
[name]Tammy[/name]'s in [name]Love[/name]- (she calls it ‘the cottonwood song’)-from [name]Tammy[/name] and the [name]Bachelor[/name]
Edelweiss and My [name]Favorite[/name] Things-from Sound of [name]Music[/name]
Somewhere Over the [name]Rainbow[/name]
The [name]Rainbow[/name] Connection
I’ll Stand By You-The Pretenders
Sweet [name]Baby[/name] [name]James[/name]-[name]James[/name] [name]Taylor[/name]
You Are My [name]Sunshine[/name]
[name]Red[/name] [name]River[/name] [name]Valley[/name]
Hahaha [name]Tammy[/name] I do [name]Moon[/name] [name]River[/name] too! Also:
Anything by the Beatles! (Their favourite is ‘I am the Walrus.’ I have to be the only person who knows all the words including the nonsense bits)
[name]Bright[/name] Eyes- Garfunkel
Homeward Bound- [name]Paul[/name] [name]Simon[/name]
[name]Free[/name] Falling- [name]Tom[/name] Petty
Circle of Life
My Favourite Things
Where is [name]Love[/name]
From the traditional lullabies I love this one which used to be sung to me called ‘Pretty [name]Little[/name] Horses’
Sadly, my youngest son isn’t a fan of lullabies. He much prefers dropping off to the sound of the vacuum cleaner!
Obviously he knows already that my singing voice is nothing to be proud of.