Your opinion on our favourite names?

This is the list we have so far for our boy, that we both like. What do you think? Please note that our older daughter is named [name]Evelyn[/name], nn [name]Evie[/name]. And we prefer a name that has both a long form and nickname.

*[name]Walter[/name], nn [name]Walt[/name] - my husband’s first choice, because it’s his father’s name - his father’s still alive BTW. My family absolutely hates this name, both because they don’t like the name, and because it’s honouring hubby’s family and not mine. (Middle name will be my maiden name, however.) This isn’t a huge concern for me, but something to think about anyway.
*[name]Theodore[/name], nn [name]Theo[/name]
*[name]Quinlan[/name], nn [name]Quinn[/name] - we’re a bit worried this rhymes too much with [name]Evelyn[/name], and also [name]Quinn[/name] is becoming a popular girls’ name?
*[name]Declan[/name], nn [name]Dex[/name] - again, the possible problem of rhyming with [name]Evelyn[/name]
*[name]Jack[/name] - can’t agree on a long form for this name. I don’t like [name]Jackson[/name] and my hubby doesn’t like [name]John[/name] or [name]Jonathan[/name].
*[name]Zachary[/name], nn [name]Zach[/name]/[name]Zak[/name]
*[name]Dawson[/name], no nn - this is a fn and mn that’s been in my family for almost 200 years, with no one given this name in this generation

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

[name]Walter[/name]: I just don’t like this name at all, honestly. But old man names aren’t my style. That’s what I consider [name]Walter[/name] to be.

[name]Theodore[/name]: I love [name]Theodore[/name] with the nn [name]Teddy[/name], instead. I may not like old man names, but classics never go out of style. (;

[name]Quinlan[/name]: I agree with your concerns. [name]Quin[/name] is becoming a very popular name for girls it seems, despite the fact that it’s supposed to be unisex. And the ending -an is very similar to -yn. Too close for comfort.

[name]Declan[/name]: I love the name on it’s own, but in a sibset with [name]Evelyn[/name]? Not so much.

[name]Jack[/name]: Another long form could be [name]Jacob[/name] or [name]Joaquin[/name] (though it is a bit of a stretch.)

[name]Zachary[/name]: Had a friend named [name]Zachary[/name]. I like it.

[name]Dawson[/name]: Still pretty close to [name]Evelyn[/name], but you could make an exception since it’s so special in your family. I really like this name. It’s familiar, but not very popular. At least, I’ve never heard it where I live.

Another way to get to [name]Jack[/name] is to name your son [name]James[/name] [name]Frederick[/name] or [name]James[/name] [name]Patrick[/name], which could easily be shortened to [name]Jack[/name].
From your list, I really like [name]Theodore[/name] (love [name]Theo[/name]!) to go with [name]Evelyn[/name].

I like [name]Theodore[/name], [name]Zachary[/name] & [name]Dawson[/name] best for you. Maybe [name]Theo[/name] & [name]Dawson[/name] the absolute best since [name]Zachary[/name] seems quite a lot more common. I know 2 baby [name]Zachary[/name]'s born in 2012.

[name]Walter[/name] is a very nice name, but when the family member you’re naming someone after is still alive, it gets confusing at family gatherings, especially if they both go by the same nn. I like the idea of using a name that is inspired by the person you wish to honour, rather than using the full name… For example, using a name that starts with W or that has the same or similar meaning. Plus, I have a hard time getting past [name]Walt[/name] Disney & [name]Mickey[/name] Mouse. :frowning:

Oooh - go with [name]Dawson[/name]!

You have some great names to choose from. My favorite is [name]Walter[/name]! What’s not to love. I think [name]Walt[/name] is an adorable option. Not [name]Walter[/name], just [name]Walt[/name]. I also really love [name]Declan[/name]. I don’t find it too rhymey. Also, why would [name]Jack[/name] need a longer name? Many boys are named just jack.