I thought it could be fun to share your opinion of your own name! Whether you’ve kept the name you were given at birth, or changed it along the way, as people passionate about names: What do you think of yours?! You don’t necessarily have to disclose what your name actually is, but just your relationship to it. Did you hate it as a child, but grew to love it? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think it suits you as a person or not? Would you encourage prospective parents to consider it for their own child, or warn them away?
My name is [name_f]Sabrina[/name_f]. I won’t say my middle name but it is an Arabic word. When I was younger, I would go back and forth on my name: I liked it, but sometimes it felt odd. To this day, I don’t know whether it suits me or not. I always liked the Arabic meaning of it (White [name_f]Rose[/name_f]) but in a way I wish it was something less ‘western’ and more specific to my culture, mostly just because I’m sick of people being so surprised when they realise I’m not European in my ethnicity! Also, it has its pop culture relations: [name_f]Sabrina[/name_f] the Teenage Witch references my entire life! My mum was actually inspired by the [name_f]Audrey[/name_f] Hepburn film, but no one ever refers to that, which is a shame. Despite some of the pitfalls, I am quite fond of my name, and wouldn’t want to change it. I also think there aren’t nearly enough [name_f]Sabrinas[/name_f] in the world, and definitely wouldn’t discourage anyone from using it for their own kids! I definitely prefer it to the more popular [name_f]Serena[/name_f].
My middle name is a bit of an ugly word, to be honest, but I like the meaning of it. My mum decided to give me and my two siblings middle names that were ‘related’ in meaning, for example each of our middle names mean ‘star’ ‘moon’ and ‘sun’. I think my last name is really quite boring and doesn’t flow very well, but I don’t intend to ever get rid of it, because it really does feel like its a part of me. So strange how much names can mean to people, considering they’re just words, but I guess Berries know more than anybody the value of a name!