Part one: Nameberry - Welcome to the Nameberry Forums
It’s been 30 years since you got your pets. If you had two children, they are 37 & 35. If you had three children, they are 41, 39, and 35.
All of your children are or have been married with kids of their own.
Child #1:
Married how many times: use the die.
1, 2, or 3: Once
4, 5: Twice
6: Three times
Is she still married?: You decide
Name each spouse.
She has how many children:
[name]Roll[/name] the die. The number on the die= the number of children she has. If she more than one marriage, then you can decide which marriages they are from. [name]Roll[/name] the die for the genders, even= girl, odd= boy.
Name her child(ren). At least one must be named in some way after his/her grandparents.
Looks: roll for each child.
- Father’s eyes, mother’s hair.
- You decide.
- Exactly like one of his/her aunts or uncles.
- You decide.
- Mother’s hair, father’s eyes.
- You decide.
Child #2:
Married once.
Is he/she still married?: You decide.
Name his/her spouse.
He/she has how many children:
[name]Roll[/name] the die. The number on the die= the number of children he/she has. Odd= girl, even= boy.
Name the child(ren). At least one must have the same initials as his/her aunt.
Looks: roll for each child.
- Father’s hair, father’s eyes.
- Father’s hair, mother’s eyes.
- Mother’s hair, father’s eyes.
- Mother’s hair, mother’s eyes.
- You decide.
- Unlike his/her mother or father.
If you only had two children, skip to the houses part below.
Child #3:
Married once, still married to spouse.
He/she has how many children:
Same rules as above, roll the die to see how many. [name]Even[/name]= girl, odd= boy.
Name the children. At least one must have a theme-y name.
Looks: roll for each child.
1, 3, or 6: You decide.
2, 4, 5: Unlike either parent.
Since all of your children have moved out and have their own homes and families, you two have decided it’s too difficult to manage the old house on your own. So you move to a smaller home (roll the dice).
State the members of your family and all of the ages here.